How To Make A Natural Oatmeal Exfoliating Soap

Preparing a natural oat soap has many skin care benefits. Best of all, it’s very economical and its ingredients don’t contain harsh chemicals.
How to Make a Natural Oatmeal Exfoliating Soap

Regular use of natural oat soap can help eliminate dead skin cells that build up in the skin. Although on the market there are many exfoliating products with the same purpose,  this soap is low cost and free of aggressive chemical substances.

Oatmeal is one of the most recommended ingredients for skin care, as it is moisturizing and does not produce allergies. It’s full of nutrients that, after being assimilated, promote tissue regeneration to prevent premature wrinkles,

Although these properties have been used in the cosmetic industry for decades, their use in their natural state  continues to be one of the best options to beautify the skin,  without running the risk of unwanted reactions.

How to prepare a natural oat soap at home? Whether you want to avoid chemicals or because you want to save money, there is a very simple way to make a handmade soap that is economical and full of benefits. Don’t hesitate to give it a try!

Benefits of natural oat soap to exfoliate the skin

Natural oat soap is a product that has gained fame in recent years. Its gentle formula free of harmful chemicals  allows its application even on sensitive skin or those susceptible to dryness.

In cosmetic stores and supermarkets there are many soaps that have similar characteristics. The drawback is that many contain additives that alter the pH or produce allergic reactions.

Therefore, although it is necessary to invest a little time in its preparation, many are choosing to use this natural option. In this way  we can regularly exfoliate the skin  and also obtain other interesting benefits.

Skin free from dead cells

The oat soap serves to clean the skin well.

The most outstanding quality of natural oat soap is its ability to remove dead skin cells. Due to its astringent compounds, it deeply cleanses pores and improves skin texture.

Its nutrients minimize the negative impact of free radicals and, by promoting tissue oxygenation, help prevent the appearance of premature signs of age and imperfections.

Soothing for irritation and itching

Unlike many chemically sourced ingredients, oats do not change the skin’s pH. In fact,  its application has a positive effect in the treatment of allergic reactions  that produce irritation and itching.

Oat soap is used to treat blackheads

How to prepare a natural oat soap at home?

Gift-wrapped oat soap

To maximize the benefits of oats on the skin,  we can add other healthy ingredients to the soap, such as bee honey and vitamin E oil.  Of course, if you prefer to use only oats, you can do it.


  • 1 bar of glycerin soap (300 g).
  • 3 tablespoons of rolled oats (45 g).
  • 4 spoons of honey (80 g).
  • 1 vitamin E capsule.


  • Microwave-safe container.
  • Wooden spoon.
  • Soap molds.

Method of preparation

  • Grate a bar of glycerin soap and place it in a microwave-safe container.
  • Melt the soap by placing it on the heat for a few minutes, then mix it with the oat flakes and the honey spoons.
  • Stir for a few minutes with a wooden spoon, until everything is well mixed.
  • Add the contents of one vitamin E capsule and keep stirring.
  • After obtaining a uniform product, pour it over the soap molds and let it settle.

mode of use

  • Unmold the soap when it acquires the desired texture.
  • Moisten the skin and rub the product with gentle circular massages.
  • Leave on for 5 or 8 minutes and rinse.

Repeat your application at least 3 times a week to keep your skin clean.

As you can see,  making your own natural oat soap is neither complicated nor expensive. Follow the instructions and enjoy all its benefits for your skin.

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