How To Increase Eyelash Length And Volume

In addition to applying these treatments, it is very important that we take care of our eyelashes, not rubbing with our fingers and removing the mask every night.

Eyelashes help to make the look more expressive and enhance the beauty of the eyes and, therefore, they have become a very important part of a woman’s aesthetic care. Learn in this article how to increase eyelash length and volume.

Most women want them to be thick and long, to help them look fabulous with the help of mascara. However, sometimes they tend to be very thin and, not even using makeup ,  you get the desired look.

To respond to this need, which many women have, to enhance this part of the face, today, the cosmetic industry offers different types of false eyelashes and chemical treatments that can stimulate their growth.

However, for those who do not want to use these types of alternatives, there are several tricks and natural remedies that can help to increase the volume and length of the lashes in a natural way. We’ll show you below.

How to increase eyelash length and volume

coconut oil treatment

Coconut oil is a product with many aesthetic applications. G races to its ability to moisturize and remove impurities, it can be very useful in the treatment of eyelashes.

This product has the ability to leave a protective layer that helps to reduce the negative impact of pollution, so that it does not weaken its structure.


  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (32 g)
  • 1 drop of lemon juice
  • 1 drop of lavender oil
  • 1 eyelash mask brush

What you should do?

  • First, mix all ingredients in a clean container, until you get a smooth liquid.
  • Dip the mask brush into the product and then apply it from the roots to the tips of your lashes.
  • Repeat its use every night before bed.

green tea treatment

How to increase eyelash length and volume with green tea

This famous drink, rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients, also has a very powerful action in increasing the volume of eyelashes. So some women also use it to treat hair problems.


  • 1 teaspoon of this herb (5 g)
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml)

What you should do?

  • Put half a cup of water to heat and then, when it boils, add the green tea to make an infusion.
  • After allowing the drink to rest, apply on the eyelashes, using a cotton swab or an eyelash mask brush.

Castor Oil Treatment

Castor oil is one of the most popular products for thickening hair and also stimulating hair growth.

This ingredient helps to hydrate, nourishes in depth and, in addition, prevents damage to the hair structure.


  • 2 tablespoons of castor oil (32 g)
  • 1 toothbrush

What you should do?

  • Dip a soft toothbrush in castor oil.
  • Apply as you would a normal mascara, from root to tip.

Almond oil treatment

Almond oil to increase eyelash volume

This natural product has many applications in beauty, thanks to its moisturizing and antioxidant compounds.

It is very good for the skin, but it can also be useful as a makeup remover and, in addition, a medicine to increase eyelash volume.


  • 2 tablespoons of almond oil (32 g)
  • 1 toothbrush or eyelash mask

What you should do?

  • Insert the toothbrush into the almond oil and apply in the same way as in the previous case.
  • Repeat your application every night, before bed.

Vaseline treatment

This petroleum derivative has many uses for the home as well as beauty related uses. Some time ago, it was discovered that daily application of petroleum jelly can also help nourish and increase eyelash volume.


  • 1 pack of Vaseline.

What you should do?

  • Every night, before bed, take a small amount of petroleum jelly and then spread it over your lashes with your fingertips.
  • Be sure to do this treatment after removing all makeup.

Chamomile treatment

Chamomile infusion to increase eyelash length and volume

Applying chamomile infusion over the eye lids has many benefits. It is good for refreshing tired eyes, reduces inflammation and, in addition, strengthens and increases eyelash volume.


  • 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers (10 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)

What you should do?

  • Bring the water to boil with the chamomile flowers, dried or fresh, and let it rest.
  • When it’s warm, dip a cotton swab into the liquid and then gently rub it over your eyelids.

Final advice…

For these remedies to have good results, it is essential that they become part of the daily beauty routine.

On the other hand, so that your eyelashes do not weaken, remember that you should remove your makeup every day before going to sleep.

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