How To Get Rid Of Nits Quickly

Nits are the eggs of lice, which reproduce at great speed.
How to remove nits quickly

With the arrival of summer and high temperatures, it is common for nits to proliferate. These are basically the lice eggs that shelter in your guest’s hair or fur. Children are prone to contagion, and it is necessary to eliminate the nits as soon as possible to prevent them from spreading.

What are nits and how they proliferate 

The eggs that lice lay are called nits, which are deposited on the scalp, usually in places like the back of the head, the top of the head and behind the ears. That’s because these areas release the heat needed for the nits, the lice eggs, to hatch.

Female lice produce a very strong glue and, thanks to this, the nits are trapped in such a way that they cannot be removed by washing or itching. It is worth noting that, once laid, the eggs will take around a week to hatch, depending on the temperature and humidity.

hair with nits

Therefore, it is vitally important to treat as soon as possible to prevent the spread of the plague and to avoid contagion with other children, as the lice move so quickly through the hair that they can move from one head to the other with a simple contact.

Quick treatment to eliminate nits

Once we have detected the presence of nits, the symptom of which is associated with the itching produced by the blood-feeding lice on the children’s heads, we should take action.

To eradicate them quickly and effectively, we must resort to a treatment against head lice using pharmaceutical products of recognized efficiency . In general, this type of product is not inconvenient for children and is known to be able to eliminate nits and lice in just minutes, without the need to have pesticides included in its formula.

Anyway, it is always recommended to consult a dermatologist to find out what is the most suitable treatment for your child.

Head lice treatment

Once the proper product has been applied to the hair, it will be necessary to use a specific shampoo to eliminate the nits and dead lice. Next, it is necessary to use a fine comb, specific for lice and nits, which have teeth very close together and eliminate these insects from the hair.

It is worth noting that, in order not to hurt, this comb should be used when the hair is wet. The procedure is simple: it is necessary to comb strand by strand, from the roots to the ends.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the most effective combs are stainless steel ones. Plastic ones whose teeth tend to bend causing loss of effectiveness.

Advice to keep head lice and nits under control

There is no way to prevent head lice and nits in a 100% foolproof way, but periodic hair checks will help to deal with the contagion problem in time and, therefore, carry out the treatment as soon as possible. In addition, you can also follow these advices:

  • To prevent this, you should always have a lice comb on hand so that you can comb your child’s hair at least once a week, even if it is not infested. Then wash it carefully using very hot water.
  • Check the child’s head in an environment with a clear, crisp light. Pay special attention to the most common areas of infestation: the top of the head, neck and behind the ears.
  • Avoid using the same accessories as other children, such as caps, combs, brushes or towels.
  • Wash your hair frequently.


As you can see, it is not that difficult to eradicate these nits and lice infestations, as long as the proper products are used and the pertinent instructions are followed to the letter. Prevention doesn’t take a lot of time. Just pay attention with some constancy.

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