How To Fight Foot Fungus With Aloe Vera

Ringworm (disease caused by fungus) in the feet is quite common and can be the result of the lack of attention we give to this area of ​​our body.
How to fight foot fungus with aloe vera

Often, we only clean our feet in the shower, in a hurried way, as they are necessary for us to stand up. Anyone who has a bathtub at home can clean them more thoroughly; but, in general, they are just “washed” while taking a shower.

However,  the feet need more care, as they are exposed to many factors that dry out and generate an accumulation of bacteria.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that they are always more subjected to humid and hot environments, a perfect place for the proliferation of fungi and other harmful micro-organisms.

What is ringworm?

Ringworms are highly contagious fungal infections on the skin, scalp and nails. Not only are they unsightly, they can also be very harmful by causing itching, irritation and pain.

Fortunately, there are many products that can help fight foot fungus effectively without harming the skin. One of the best alternatives is to take advantage of natural ingredients with antifungal properties; which inhibit the growth of fungi while effectively eliminating them.

In this article, we’ll share a simple aloe vera treatment that can be very helpful in controlling fungal foot infections.

Benefits of aloe vera

Aloe vera to treat foot fungus

Aloe vera (or aloe vera) has been used as a medicine since ancient times, by many cultures. Its high content of water, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants can improve health, prevent and alleviate the symptoms of various diseases.

In addition to being one of the great allies of our well-being, the nutrients and healing powers of aloe vera make it an ally for beauty.

Furthermore, it has moisturizing and restorative compounds that can inhibit the action of free radicals, preventing premature aging.

In addition, it contains good doses of vitamins A and C, amino acids, polysaccharides, enzymes and proteins that work together to ensure healthy skin.

One of the most interesting qualities of aloe vera is its antiseptic and antifungal power. It has been shown that applying a small amount to the skin can combat the growth of fungi and bacteria.

Hence, it is a very popular remedy for dandruff; since the plant cleans the scalp and ensures more shine to the hair.

Aloe vera medicine to combat foot fungus

Aloe vera remedy for foot fungus

Daily application of aloe vera gel to the affected areas of the feet can help relieve symptoms such as itchiness or irritation.

However, before starting treatment, it is essential to clean and disinfect all shoes and socks; ensuring that the microorganisms present there are also eliminated.


  • 1 aloe vera leaf
  • 1 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • Water and neutral soap
  • 1 pair of socks

What you should do:

  • First, remove the spines from the side of the aloe leaf, using a kitchen knife and taking care not to hurt yourself.
  • Then cut the sheet lengthwise, separating it into halves.
  • With a spoon, scrape the gel onto the inside of the sheet and place in a container.
  • Then add two tablespoons of coconut oil and mix well, until you get a smooth cream. It is possible to blend everything in a blender.
  • Afterwards, wash your feet thoroughly with warm water and mild soap.
  • Rinse them off with a towel; the feet must be very dry to receive the application of the aloe cream.
  • Apply an even film of coconut oil and aloe cream.
  • Leave on until the skin absorbs; do not rinse.
  • For best results, repeat the treatment every night before bed, covering your feet with socks; so that the skin can absorb the cream better.
  • The next morning, rinse your feet and dry them thoroughly.

Some advantages of this remedy:

Healthy feet without fungus

— It’s 100% natural, ecological and economical.
— Fights foot fungus and keeps the skin nourished and hydrated.
— Prevents dry feet and cracked heels.
— Its elaboration is very easy. If there is any leftover cream, you can store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

If you suspect that the infection does not go away with natural products, see a dermatologist you trust as soon as possible.

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