How To Eliminate Body Fat And Gain Muscle Firmness?

To maintain muscle tone and avoid sagging you don’t need to spend hours in the gym. Just do gentle exercises, like walking for 20 minutes, and sets of sit-ups.

Tips to shed fat and get firmer muscles

1. Keep metabolism active to eliminate fat

  • To keep your metabolism active, avoid skipping meals. It is recommended to  eat six meals a day  in which large amounts of food should not be included. It is always better to eat too little many times a day than to eat too few times during the day.
  • Start your breakfast with an infusion of , green tea and honey. It is a fabulous remedy to speed up metabolism and, in addition, it will offer multiple vitamins.
  • Every four hours, drink a  juice to speed up your metabolism.  There are several options: pear, pineapple and blueberry juice, grapefruit and mint juice or beetroot and carrot juice. All delicious!

2. Consume more protein to eliminate fat

egg consumption

  • Do not exceed your intake of animal protein.  It is also good to look for vegetable options, which are very well recommended, for example, spinach, kale, lentils, peas, quinoa, almonds, algae (especially spirulina) and humus. These foods offer multiple preparation options.
  • For breakfast, for example, include and consume them regularly. If they are cooked, even better.

3. Superfoods that take care of health and help to eliminate fat

Diet that helps you lose fat

This is a risk not to be taken. Therefore, many nutritionists recommend that we include in the diet what are known as “superfoods”, which are nothing more than foods rich in nutrients that take care of the body and help you not to gain weight.

Write down what these foods are:

  • Oat
  • Broccoli
  • Pumpkin
  • Salmon
  • Avocado
  • Snitch (grapefruit)
  • Blueberry
  • Greek yogurt
  • lentils
  • Turkey breast
  • Chia seeds
  • Spinach
  • Tomato
  • Green tea
  • goji berrie
  • Hazelnut

4. A little aerobic exercise

exercises that help you lose fat

  • Set your alarm clock in 40 minutes.  Take the opportunity to have breakfast properly and then go out for a walk or run. About 20 minutes of exercise is enough.
  • When you get back home, take a  warm shower  and finish with a jet of cold water on your legs.
  • At noon,  do ten sit-ups and weight exercises for 10 minutes.
  • In the afternoon or late in the day, go for a walk, walk at a faster pace or go out for a bike ride with someone. Swimming is also highly recommended.
  • If you do these three exercise options, day after day you will succeed and tighten your muscles. It’s just about being aware and being persevering.

5. Supplemental vitamin to strengthen muscles

Vitamins to keep metabolism active and eliminate fat


  • 250 ml of oat water.
  • 15 g of wheat germ.
  • A little cinnamon.
  • 1 banana.
  • 3 almonds.
  • 3 ice cubes.

How to prepare?

When taking, add some ice cubes and a little cinnamon on top. It’s delicious! A and the cold vitamin will help speed up metabolism.

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