How To Dress If You Have A Small Waist?

Here are some tips to know how to dress if you are small in size, so that you can take advantage of your biotype in a comfortable and elegant way. 
How to dress if you have a small waist?

Women with small waists tend to have some doubts when setting up their wardrobe. Often, because of lack of knowledge, and other times because they are forced to wear pieces that simply catch their attention; whether by the color, the texture, or the frequency with which they are seen on the street.

In fact, it is very common for women to succumb to trends without evaluating whether they really favor them or not.

How do I know if I have a small waist?

To start you should stand in front of the mirror (without clothes) and observe how the sides of the trunk are curved: are they not pronounced? Is the line drawn between the shoulders and hips subtle? When you put on an item of clothing, how does the fit look? If it is straight, linear, and not very marked, it is more likely that we have a rectangular body typology with a small waist.

This typology is characterized by having a very light demarcation. The shoulders and hips are aligned perfectly, that is, they are the same width. For this reason, it is necessary to know which cuts, prints, and accessories are most favourable. The aim is to create the illusion of sharper curves.

How to dress if you have a small waist?  wear skirts

What to avoid if you have a small waist?

We must clarify one thing: the fact of having a small waist is not synonymous with that you should always try to tighten it as much as possible. You often try to define your silhouette better with the use of belts and tight clothes, but the result is usually not the most flattering. So pay attention to the details you must avoid so you can look flawless.

  • First, avoid extremes (especially on the upper torso). Don’t wear clothes that are too tight or too loose, as they will make you look misshapen and emphasize that you have a small waist.
  • Also, you don’t need to wear a thick belt every time to mark your waist. You can achieve the same effect with a thin belt and even without a belt. You just have to put your shirt inside your pants.
  • Another way to take advantage of belts is to opt for those that are loose and have a certain sag.
  • Also, avoid high-cut pants. Instead, bet on low-slung, hip-length pants. The idea is to take advantage of fabrics that have a soft fit: such as cotton or linen, among other fabrics.
  • Also, always try to maintain a balance between your upper body and your lower body. This means that prints should be avoided on both sides of the body, and also over-accessory on the upper part.
  • Avoid flat shoes as this will make you look baggy and square.
  • Finally, beware of vertical lines, as they tend to make the silhouette fuzzy and straight.

Tips for selecting clothes

  • First, look for the crossed blouses, because they will help you accentuate your bust, and in doing so will create an illusion of a more pronounced waist.
  • On the other hand, the empire cut dresses, that is, without sleeves or straps, will be your great allies. And you can use them either in a single color, or in mixed colors (one color above and patterned below). It should be noted that, if the dress has some type of design, try to have it arranged horizontally.
  • Also, pencil skirt or knee tube. In general, above-the-knee skirts will help to stretch your legs, and distract attention from the waist.
  • Also, bet on heels that are comfortable (they don’t need to be excessively high) as the height will help you create better overall visual balance.
  • Furthermore, the blouses that are most favored are those with a V-neck
  • Enjoy the clothes with low-cut necklines that help make your bust stand out.
  • Finally, jackets with a bit of shoulder pads will help you make your waist look smaller and thus create the illusion of a sharper curve.
How to dress if you have a small waist?  wear dresses

Final conclusions

So, remember that the purpose of knowing these tricks is not to limit you, but to show you the options that work best for you. If in the end you want to break a rule, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable with yourself.


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