How And Why To Reduce Soda Consumption

Soft drinks seem harmless, but every time you drink one, your health slowly deteriorates. It’s time to change bad habits.
How and why to reduce soda consumption

The consumption of soda brings a refreshing sensation, but it is a real sugar bomb that our body can only tolerate by misadjusting its natural balance. Therefore, this momentary pleasure of drinking soda causes many long-term health problems.

Even those that carry advertisements presenting them as light and low-calorie sodas are equally harmful. Although they have alternative sweeteners to traditional sugar, evidence shows that they are also causes of obesity and, in addition, increase the desire to eat.

The American Heart Association recommends an intake of less than 25 grams of sugar a day for adults, and even less for children. A small 30ml can of soda contains 39 grams of sugar, plus other added sugars.

Soda consumption and its effects on health

Soda consumption: cans

Soda consumption contributes to the accumulation of fat in the liver

Fructose from sugar and corn syrup from soda can only be processed by the liver. But studies show that excess fructose turns into accumulated fat. Some of this fat is turned into triglycerides in the blood, while the rest remains in the liver.

causes obesity

Obese man due to soda consumption

In addition to liver fat, fructose is also converted to abdominal fat. This, as has been shown, is a major cause of diabetes and heart disease.

Elevates Insulin Levels

Insulin transports glucose from the blood to cells, but soft drinks cause cells to become insensitive to glucose due to insulin resistance. When this occurs, the pancreas begins to overproduce this hormone.

This phenomenon is known as metabolic syndrome, causing hypertension, excess fat or triglycerides and blood cholesterol, among many other problems.

Soda consumption can also cause diabetes

Sugar spoon and the word "Diabetes"

A study of 170 individuals and led by the Center for Preventive Research at Stanford University, California, found that drinking soft drinks once a day, every day, increased the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Increases the risk of developing cancer

Another cross-country study of 60,000 people determined that those who drink at least two soft drinks a week are 87% more likely to develop pancreatic cancer.

causes heart problems

Doctor with a heart in his hands.
Changing the pattern of fats and sugars in your blood increases your risk of heart disease.

Soda causes the body’s potassium levels to drop below normal levels. This can cause the so-called Long QT Syndrome, which consists of abnormalities in the heart’s potassium and sodium channels and causes cardiac arrhythmias.

can weaken bones

One of the ingredients in soft drinks is phosphoric acid, used for conservation. Phosphorus is needed by the body, especially for brain and memory functions. However, its excess is problematic.

Calcium and phosphorus coexist in balance in our body. When phosphorus increases its levels, it impedes the assimilation of calcium. Continuous consumption of soda can end up causing decalcification and diseases such as osteoporosis.

Many stomach problems are directly linked to soda consumption.

man with pain in the abdomen

Both sugars and artificial sweeteners, in the case of diet soft drinks, favor bacterial growth in the intestine and, especially, bad bacteria.

Too much bacteria can cause irritable bowel syndrome, which can cause problems such as intestinal irritation, immune deficiencies, and even memory loss.

In particular, artificial sweeteners are linked to the increase in Clostridium difficile bacteria , which is a major cause of stomach infections in recent years, according to studies by Dr. Robert Briton of Baylor College of Medicine.

What to drink instead of soda?

Without a doubt, the healthiest is water. “It doesn’t matter if it’s pure, carbonated or flavored. The important thing is that it doesn’t have sugar or sweeteners, ” says Allison Sylvestky, from Georgetown University in Washington.

  • Flavored water. It’s a good way to start because of its similarity to the texture of soft drinks.
  • Iced tea. It’s refreshing, has caffeine like soda and you can sweeten it with a teaspoon of honey.
  • Sparkling water with fruit. You can try making a juice from the fruit you like and adding sparkling water to recreate a soda.
  • Fruit water. Prepare a jar with slices of fruit such as lemon, orange, pineapple, apple, strawberries or any other and fill it with water and ice. Finally, let it rest and you will always have a delicious and refreshing drink at your disposal.
  • Natural juices. You can also try drinking natural juices directly. Don’t add sugar, because they already have the natural sugar in the fruit. Also, don’t trade soft drinks for commercial fruit juices either, as they are also loaded with extra sugar.
  • Kombucha. A more exotic drink, but highly beneficial. It is a fermented tea that contains many probiotics. It’s a little bitter, but over time you can get used to the taste.
  • Finally, coconut water. It’s delicious, very refreshing and full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

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