Homemade Chicken Skewers Recipe

Below we present our delicious homemade chicken skewer recipe for you to prepare and enjoy a whole world of flavor comfortably. 
Homemade chicken skewers recipe

At barbecues we usually enjoy the meat (red and white) in its various presentations: sausages, ribs, wings, thighs, among other pieces. Of course,  the meat can be combined with each other, which gives rise to preparations such as chicken skewers.

It is very common to accompany the skewers with a delicious sauce, some vegetables and a good garnish of potatoes or rice. It consists of a series of small pieces of chicken, placed on a wooden stick, which  allow the guest to taste the meat, without excluding the rest of the pieces that are on the barbecue.

In general, chicken skewers are usually ready in a short time, so they are usually tasted first. Its preparation is also very practical and simple. In other words: its preparation and cooking do not imply any difficulty or take up a lot of time.

Chicken skewers with vegetables

There are those who like to prepare chicken skewers with a special touch:  pieces of fruit (such as tomatoes, pineapples, peaches or apples) that are bathed in thick sauces to enhance the flavor. However, the traditional presentation includes: garlic, onion, tomato and a highly recommended ingredient: soy sauce.

So that the meat doesn’t get too dry, it’s best to cook them on the grill. This also helps us to maintain a healthy diet, since fried foods are completely excluded. As a result, it will not contribute in any way to raising LDL cholesterol.

Homemade chicken skewers recipe 

You are about to get to know all the tricks, recipes, preparations and techniques that we have compiled so that you have, in addition to a lot of flavor, variety in the preparation of chicken skewers.

It is worth noting that everything resides in the details that, a priori, may be tiny, but you will notice that in each presentation there are several delicious ways to make the same recipe. Otherwise everything would be pretty monotonous and boring, right?

Chicken skewers on the grill

We challenge you to measure time. If this preparation takes you longer than 20 minutes, it will not be necessary to repeat it. It won’t come to that. Just follow these simple steps and you’re done.


  • 1 red pepper (80 g).
  • 2 white onions (215 g).
  • 2 green peppers (150 g).
  • 3 small chicken breasts (375 g).
  • 1 tablespoon ground black pepper (25 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (30 ml).

Method of preparation

  • Start by removing all traces of skin from the chicken and then wash thoroughly. After washing,  drain well and place on a cutting board.
  • The way you will cut the chicken breasts will preferably be into cubes. Almost the same size.
  • The trick with seasoning is simple. Just pepper it a little and mix it well with your hands  so that the chicken pieces are impregnated.
  • Now it’s time to cut the peppers into cubes, similar to those made with chicken breast. To finish with the vegetables, do the same with the onion and wait.
  • At this point it’s time to fix the chicken skewer. Using a toothpick, add the peppers first, then the chicken, then the onion and finally a little pepper.
  • Arrange the skewers and with a little oil on a grill, start to cook them, little by little, and in all directions.


Variant of chicken skewers (with barbecue sauce)


  • 1 tablespoon of salt (25 g).
  • 2 chicken skewers (275 g).
  • 3 tablespoons of barbecue sauce (90 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon ground black pepper (25 g).
  • 2 cups of cherry tomatoes (200 g).
Chicken skewers with sauce

Method of preparation

  • Thoroughly remove any pieces of skin you find on the chicken. Afterwards, wash the breasts very well and get everything ready to start this simple recipe.
  • One trick to get the recipe to get more flavor is that you should marinate the chicken breasts with barbecue sauce in a bowl and cover them with foil for at least 2 hours before cooking them.
  • To finish, just prepare the skewers using wooden sticks and cherry tomatoes.
  • It goes like this: diced chicken breast, cherry tomatoes, breast and so on until the end.
  • Then pass them on the grill and turn them around or simply put them in the oven at 150 ÂșC for 15 minutes.

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