Home Remedy With Parsley And Lemon To Cleanse The Kidneys

In addition to helping to cleanse your kidneys, the lemon and parsley mixture provides us with vitamins, which is why it is highly recommended in cases of anemia.
Home remedy with parsley and lemon to cleanse the kidneys

Few plants are as depurative as parsley. It spices up many of our foods, but its medicinal principles are very effective for a wide range of ailments. If we combine it with lemon juice, we get an excellent remedy to cleanse the kidneys. Next, we’ll explain how.

The need to clean the kidneys

The need to clean the kidneys

Cleaning the kidneys is not something we should do every now and then;  it is a habit that we must adopt in our daily lives to enjoy good health, to stay healthy and feel better. It is very important to be aware that our kidneys have the basic function of cleaning the blood and eliminating waste.

What happens when this function does not perform correctly and there is an excess of toxic materials or an excess of proteins? If our blood contains toxic elements and is not being filtered, we get sick and symptoms such as cramps, kidney stones and several other diseases appear. To avoid these problems, please follow our recommendations below:

  • Drink lots of fluids, limiting dairy.
  • Reduce your consumption of processed foods.
  • Replace animal protein with vegetable protein.
  • Eliminate as much salt as possible from your food, as well as sweets and alcohol.

All of these recommendations take a lot of effort, but you’ll definitely feel a lot better by adopting this advice.

How do I know if I should clean my kidneys?

How do I know if I should clean my kidneys

Take note of the following symptoms for the sake of your health:

How is your urine? What color does it have? Coffee color or Coca-Cola? This urine color is already an accurate indicator that our kidneys are suffering from a problem.

  • High pressure
  • Back pain; in the lower part, near the abdomen
  • feel very thirsty
  • Feel like urinating
  • Present the ankle swollen or with a purplish color
  • inexplicable tiredness

Of course, these symptoms can also be associated with other illnesses, but when you experience two or three of these symptoms, you should see your doctor right away.

How can parsley and lemon help clean the kidneys?

How would parsley and lemon help me to clean the kidneys

1. the parsley

  • It is a powerful antioxidant;  rejuvenates kidney cells, facilitating their function.
  • It is rich in minerals  capable of keeping our kidneys strong, purging them of toxins and accumulated fats in this organ that has such an important function.
  • Contains beta-carotene, chlorophyll and vitamin C, ideal for preventing infections and tumors. In this way, it strengthens the body’s immune system.
  • Parsley is a diuretic, helping to eliminate liquids naturally.
  • Reduces high blood pressure;  something perfect for kidney health.

2. The lemon

Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C and vitamin P. These two elements serve us to strengthen and care for the blood vessels in the kidneys, treat hypertension and, of course, it is excellent for detoxification.

Lemon is low in sodium and high in potassium;  two ideal elements for our kidneys. Also, many doctors recommend substituting lemon juice for salt for food flavoring.

How can I use the benefits of parsley and lemon to improve my health?


Method of preparation

What you need are five sprigs of parsley. Wash these parsley sprigs thoroughly and then place them in a pot with a quart of boiling water. Bring to a boil to release its essential properties into the water.

It is a very traditional remedy that you may have already heard of. Natural medicine in many cases is effective. It’s worth taking advantage of these therapeutic plants. But let’s get back to the recipe. After the parsley has been boiled, strain, place in a jar and add the juice of a lemon. Easy, isn’t it?

And how should we drink this drink ? There are four glasses a day, starting with a glass of the liquid before breakfast, another one after lunch, one in the afternoon and the last one right after dinner. This drink will act in your body as a digestive and, of course, will cleanse your kidneys.

You can take this home remedy twice a week. You may feel a strong flavor when taking it, but it is important that you know that this remedy is high in vitamins, is energetic and is very suitable, for example, for people with anemia problems. So why not start taking care of your health today? Your kidneys are sure to thank you!

If you feel any discomfort, discontinue consumption.

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