Home Remedies To Treat Swollen Feet And Ankles

In addition to helping to relieve swelling, foot baths with coarse salt or medicinal herbs help us relax after a long day at work.

Wearing high-heeled shoes, pregnancy, sitting all day, a plane trip lasting many hours, circulatory problems or edema… There are many causes of swollen feet and ankles. If you want to reverse this situation, read this article where you will find the best home remedies for this problem.

What You Should Know About Swollen Feet and Ankles

It’s a very common problem, especially in women. This condition is called peripheral edema or fluid retention, which is concentrated in the extremities, mainly in the ankles and feet.

It is a common symptom of pregnancy, for example, but also of eating too much salt or fat, inappropriate footwear or a type of work performed.

Swollen feet and ankles can have a variety of causes. In addition to those already indicated above, we can highlight:

  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Overweight;
  • Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle;
  • Menopause and heart disease;
  • Renal insufficiency;
  • Liver problems.

How to treat swollen feet and ankles?

Thanks to the following techniques, you can relieve the symptoms of swollen feet and ankles. Pay attention and put this advice into practice:


They can help reactivate circulation, one of the causes of swollen feet and ankles. Before starting, bathe your feet in a basin of warm water and essences, for example, with some herbs (which are the same as those used to prepare infusions).

Once your feet and ankles are clean, dry with a towel. Apply a few drops of essential oil (for example, sage, lavender, or rosemary) or, if you don’t have these oils available, use olive or almond oil.

If you don’t have or if you don’t like oils on your skin, make an infusion with chamomile flowers, let it warm, strain and, before it cools, use it as a lubricant for your massages.

Start gently massaging your feet, starting at your ankles and working your way down to your toes.

In the meantime, you can do circular motions with your ankles or move your fingers up and down. It can start below the knees for a greater relaxing effect.

Another massage option is: standing or sitting, barefoot or wearing three-quarter socks, place a tennis ball in the arch of your foot. Massage by moving the ball from back to front, in circles, etc.

The idea is to exert some pressure, without actually hurting, but enough to activate blood circulation. Before moving to the other foot, compare the sensations between them and you will see how good this technique is.


When wetting the feet in water with some other element, they will automatically start to deflate. Some examples were offered with the above remedy.

There are also other alternatives such as coarse salt (which is used for cooking) dissolved in warm water. Leave your feet in the water for approximately 30 minutes.

Oatmeal is another good option because, in addition to reducing swelling, it serves to remove impurities from the skin.

Sage is another ingredient that can be added to the water in which you will get your feet wet. It serves to combat fluid retention.

Prepare an infusion of a little sage for every cup of water and, when it is warm and not burning, place it in a basin and introduce your feet until the water has cooled.


pineapple for swollen feet and ankles

We always recommend natural diuretics. There are infusions and fruits that have diuretic properties that help eliminate fluid that accumulates in the legs, ankles and feet.

They also favor urination (going to the bathroom to urinate) and, in addition, they are delicious. Some of those available are pineapple, strawberries and tamarind. Do not hesitate to consume these fruits as a dessert or raw at any time of the day.

Among the infusions with diuretic properties, horsetail and hibiscus flower stand out.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of these herbs and only ingest the indicated doses. One spoon of the plant (dry or not) for every cup of boiling water. Do not drink more than three cups daily.

cold compress

Applying a cold compress is very good for reducing inflammation anywhere in the body. So when you get hurt, put ice, for example.

For swollen feet and ankles the same thing happens. The ice cubes help these parts of the body to “get back to normal”.

You just need to put some ice cubes on a towel or cloth and apply to the area. Remember never to apply directly to the skin, as you may burn yourself.



When you arrive at your house, after having been at the office all day, putting up with the heels and posture in front of the computer, the first thing to be done is to take off your shoes (is there anything better than that?) and then, put your legs high somewhere.

For example, if you are sitting on the sofa, put some pillows and place your heels on them. If you are lying down, you can also rest your feet against the wall.

You can try doing the “Sail Stance”. How is it done? Lie down on a mat and place your arms at your sides. Raise your legs to the sky and, with one thrust, lift your torso as well.

You will only be supported with your shoulders and head. Try to keep your balance!

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