Health Risks Of Amalgam Fillings

In this article we will explain everything you should know about amalgams: what they are, how they affect our health and the possibilities we have of removing them.
Health risks of amalgam fillings

Did you know that amalgam fillings are mainly made of mercury and that this heavy metal is very toxic to health? Did you know that in some countries they are prohibited due to the risks they can bring?

What are amalgam fillings?

Amalgam is a silver colored material formed by the combination of several metals, mainly mercury. Dentists use it to fill cavities that appear in teeth due to cavities.

Nowadays, other materials are used in most countries, as numerous studies have shown the toxicity of mercury, both for those who have it in their teeth and for dentists who work with this material.

In addition, there is an ecological trend aimed at increasingly reducing the use of any product made with mercury, as it causes a very negative environmental impact on the planet.

Since 2008, its use is prohibited in countries like Sweden, Norway and Denmark.

An amalgam filling contains between 120 and 570mg of mercury, which is released over time as a result of saliva, gastric acidity, food, high temperatures, etc.

Mercury vapors generated are a major source of ongoing toxicity as they are absorbed day after day throughout life.

It is also important to keep in mind that exposure to mercury can occur through contact with products that contain it, such as some thermometers, lamps, batteries, vaccines, cosmetics, skin lightening creams, paints, pesticides, etc.

In addition, it has been reported that large blue fish such as tuna, salmon or swordfish are the most mercury-containing foods. Therefore, they should not be consumed very often.

amalgam fillings

Health risks

One of the biggest risks of mercury is that, although some of it is eliminated naturally, an important proportion of this heavy metal accumulates in the brain, remaining there for years.

This causes progressive neurodegeneration, which is related to diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Another serious problem with mercury is that it is able to cross the placental barrier. This way, it can reach the central nervous system of the fetus during pregnancy.

Mercury also accumulates in the gastrointestinal tract, oral cavity, lungs, thyroid gland, pituitary, etc.

Can amalgam fillings be removed?

When people who have amalgam fillings discover the risks of mercury, many ask the same question: Can they be removed to avoid these health problems?

This doubt arises mainly in people who already suffer from some health problems for which they do not find any cause.

The answer is yes, they can be removed. But the process must be done following a very strict protocol.

Otherwise, it is better to leave the fillings. This is because, if the task is not carried out very carefully, both the patient and the dentist will be exposed to a significant and very sudden amount of mercury, which can be harmful to health.

amalgam fillings

We must look for a professional specialized in amalgam extraction and ensure that, during the process, issues such as the following are taken into account:

  • Adequate isolation of the entire oral cavity so as not to ingest amalgam remains
  • eye protection
  • Oxygen mask
  • Working with cold temperatures
  • Remove the amalgams en bloc and quickly
  • New good quality filling material

Chlorella treatment

For both those who are exposed to mercury and those who have already been, we recommend a treatment with the most effective natural remedy to eliminate heavy metals from the body: chlorella.

This alga has a very powerful detoxifying effect and acts against all types of harmful substances, not just heavy metals. This is mainly possible due to its high chlorophyll content.

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