Healing Hurts, But This Pain Allows Us To Grow

In order to make peace with the past, we cannot look the other way. Let’s not forget that healing hurts, but only in this way can we turn the page and start again.
Healing hurts, but this pain allows us to grow

Healing hurts because you have to touch the wound, open it and let it heal as it should.

Sometimes we avoid looking at all the parts of us that are hurt. We ignore them as if, in this way, they would disappear. No doubt this is nothing but an illusion.

As much as we don’t want to touch that wound, it will remain there. The fact of looking the other way will prevent it from being able to heal well, from being taken care of and from being able to close.

The only thing we do is allow it to rot, stay open, and continue to do a lot of damage.

Healing hurts, but it’s a necessary pain

We all go through a moment in our lives where it cost us a lot to overcome a situation that has affected us in some way.

Those that cause us the most pain are those related to the bonds we have with other people. For example , the end of a relationship or the loss of a loved one can open a void in us that can cause immense pain.

But how do we keep this wound open? How do we prevent it from improving in a natural way like a wound or a scratch on the skin?

Falling into victimhood to seek refuge in pain

woman crying in pain

Healing hurts much more when we try to seek refuge in pain. We are already bruised and the wound burns, but we go towards it, we rejoice in our misfortune and thus prevent it from healing.

It’s easy to feel victimized by a situation. Phrases like: “how unlucky I am!” or “because only bad things happen to me!” are the order of the day, as are various complaints about trivial aspects of our lives.

We are not victims, nor is the world against us. This only revives the pain of this wound that won’t heal until we don’t accept what happened, because no matter how hard we struggle, nothing will change.

look the other way, be distracted

Woman walking in the field trying to overcome her pain.

Certainly, have you ever had a bad time when you heard advice such as “go out with your friends” or “don’t stay home and dwell on what happened, distract yourself!”.

This can be a good thing to avoid falling into victimhood, but it can’t be taken to the extreme of turning your back and pretending nothing happened. Because, like that, we are not learning anything.

No matter how much we shift focus from where we are looking, the wound will remain in the same place, rotting just the same and hurting just as much, if not more, than before.

The value of our experiences

sad woman with emotional pain

Our experiences are of great value, that’s why it hurts to heal, because only through pain we can learn something, grow, progress and mature.

Even if we don’t believe it, when everything goes well we don’t pay attention, but when things go wrong, then everything changes.

Have you ever realized that when you have the flu and in bed, you value the fact that you can be okay? Undoubtedly, when you are well, you don’t realize it and start, again, not appreciating it.

This demonstrates how much we can learn and that we only realize things when the world seems to be against us and everything is falling around us.

We may have to slow down, stop for a moment the way of life we ​​are living in order to begin to realize what really matters because we often live on autopilot.

Healing hurts, but bad experiences are not a disgrace. We can take them as an opportunity to appreciate the good times, to see the beauty in little things and to really start to savor life.

Let’s grow out of pain, let’s not avoid it or try to hide it with distractions. She’s there for something, for something.

Embracing our wounds and taking care of them will allow us to heal them sooner and thus avoid becoming involved in suffering and prolonging a totally unnecessary agony.

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