Green Tea: How To Get All Its Benefits?

Did you know that, in addition to the brewing time, the presentation of the green tea we choose also influences its benefits? Thus, we will obtain more or less properties depending on our option for bags or loose leaves.

Green tea offers many health benefits. Although not all of them are scientifically verified, it is known that many of them are real.

We know it has a great deal of  antioxidant properties, as well as diuretic and thermogenesis effects. 

In addition, you can protect yourself from a wide variety of health conditions, such as heart problems.

If you learn to drink green tea to enjoy 100% of its benefits, we can assure you that you never want to take it off your diet.

Prepare green tea according to your taste

When brewing a cup of green tea, the flavor will change according to the way in which it is brewed; that is, the water temperature up to the amount of time the leaves cook can influence.

According to many tea aficionados, the perfect drink is rich in flavor, without the need to get bitter.

When the water is too hot or the leaves have been soaked for a long time, it  is possible that a bitter taste will be produced in the infusion. 

On the other hand, if the water is too cold, the tea flavor will not be extracted.

Consider that the ideal time to soak leaves varies depending on the size of the leaves, the degree of tea, when they were picked and other factors.

Green tea generally heats between 60°C and 85°C; and, furthermore, it is prepared in an estimated time of 1 to 3 minutes.

green tea infusion

There are several studies that suggest that, depending on how green tea is prepared,  the benefits of antioxidants may be better preserved.

The way we infuse the tea greatly influences the final result:

  • Size and shape of tea leaves:  the smaller leaves allow you to reach an infusion more quickly; while larger leaves require a little more time.
  • Tea bags versus loose leaves: In general, loose leaf tea is more popular because the young leaves are used with sprouts and all; This causes a larger amount to be used than would be found in a packet of tea with the leaves in small pieces.
  • Temperature:  when water boils, it quickly promotes the extraction of catechins.
    However, water that is at a lower temperature maximizes the health benefits; because there is less degradation of compounds such as gallic acid.

Are there any risks when taking the green tea infusion?

When the soaking period of the leaves is prolonged, it is possible that a bitter taste will dominate the infusion; in addition, it  is possible that the tea’s caffeine content may rise.

Furthermore, there is the possibility that other substances are extracted from it, such as pesticides or heavy metals.

How to drink green tea in other ways?

If what you want is to maximize the antioxidant activity of your next cup of tea; soak the leaves for approximately 2 hours in cold water in order to achieve a pleasant taste.

This way you too will enjoy the essential properties of this gift of nature.

Three Little Known Benefits of Green Tea

A number of scientific studies are exploring the benefits of green tea; as well as its anti-cancer properties or its stress-reducing effects that promote the health of your heart.

healthier gums and teeth

A 2009 study analyzed the oral health of 940 men and found that: those who drank green tea regularly had healthier gums than  those who drank it  sporadically.

For every cup of green tea a day, there was a very significant decrease in several indicators of periodontal disease; such as bleeding or redness of the gums, as well as dental erosion.

Prevent a cardiovascular attack

Also in 2009 there were some studies that suggested that if you drink green tea every day, you can significantly lower your risk of stroke.

According to an analysis carried out with 19,5000 people – who drank up to three cups of green tea a day –  reduced the risk of having this type of attack by up to 21%.

improves your brain capacity

Drinking green tea could preserve your brain capacity from the effects of aging.

In 2006 studies were conducted that examined how consumption of green tea affected approximately 1,000 people in Japan aged 70 and over.

It was found that those who drank the most tea in their lifetime were the  least likely to show signs of loss or weakening of their brain function.

Those who consumed between four and six times a week a cup of tea were 38% less prone to cognitive deterioration.

Since there is a limited amount of scientific research, it is too early to recommend the consumption of tea for the treatment of any condition.

If you are thinking about starting to drink green tea to improve your health, it is recommended that you consult your trusted doctor.

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