Ginger Turmeric Syrup For The Lungs

Both ginger and turmeric are ingredients rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Ginger and turmeric syrup for the lungs

Onion, ginger and turmeric syrup is one of the most popular homemade preparations for the lungs. Its consumption is usually recommended mainly for ex-smokers; however it can also be used by people with flu or colds.

As ginger and turmeric are foods rich in antioxidants and other nutrients, it is believed that they can contribute to the health of the entire body and to clean the lungs, helping to obtain the desired relief.

Smoking and the lungs

clear lungs
Cigarette smoke is the vehicle for toxic substances created by combustion.

Professor Riccardo Polosa, from the European Respiratory Society, ERS, explains that tobacco significantly worsens people’s quality of life.

All this because tobacco narrows the airways and makes it difficult for air to enter and exit the lungs. This makes the person have difficulty breathing and often become short of breath.

Polosa further explains that when a person smokes, the air sacs in the lungs – the alveoli – are gradually destroyed. In this way , they lose the ability to supply oxygen to the body. All of this progressively translates into a serious health problem that puts one’s life at risk.

Ginger and turmeric, the main ingredients

To better understand the choice of these two particular ingredients, here are some interesting facts:

Ginger is an exotic root with a spicy taste that contains carbohydrates, vitamins B9 and C, potassium and magnesium. In addition, it contains calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, phosphorus, sodium, B vitamins and vitamin E.

It has been used frequently in the preparation of various home remedies for its anti-inflammatory effect. Furthermore, it is considered a good expectorant.

However, to take advantage of all its contributions, it is recommended to consume it fresh and raw, like the syrup that we will comment below.

In turn, turmeric is a spice that is part of the composition of curry. It is also rich in antioxidants and various bioactives that can have various medicinal properties, including antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, etc.

According to studies, the phytochemical compounds present in its characteristic orange rhizome, the curcuminoids, give saffron important medicinal properties.

Ginger and turmeric syrup recipe

According to popular belief, onion syrup, ginger and turmeric can help to promote relief and decongestion of the airways.

Clear the lungs- ginger and turmeric syrup


  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 kg of onions
  • Fresh ginger (1 piece)
  • 2 tablespoons turmeric powder (20 g)
  • 1 ½ cup brown sugar or honey (300 g)


  • To start, peel and cut the onion into several pieces and grate the ginger piece.
  • Put the above ingredients in a pan and add a liter of water.
  • Then add the two tablespoons of turmeric powder and brown sugar (or honey).
  • Cook the mixture over high heat and when it boils, lower the heat and cook until reduced by half.
  • When the amount of liquid decreases and a thicker mixture appears, turn off the heat and let it sit until it cools.
  • Pass the product through a sieve and store in a glass jar or jar. You can keep it in the fridge.
  • However, do not consume more than 3 tablespoons per day.
Clear the lungs- ginger and turmeric syrup

How can this turmeric ginger syrup help your health?

By itself, consumption of this ginger and turmeric syrup will not help treat or cure respiratory tract (or any other type) ailments. However, it is popularly believed that, due to its smooth texture, it can help to soothe and reduce sore throat. In this way, it will help to alleviate some discomfort.

However, it is not advisable to take it in large amounts as it has a high caloric content (due to its sugar content). So it is better to consume it in moderation. No more than 3 tablespoons a day and always on a balanced diet.

To improve lung health after smoking, it is necessary to maintain good lifestyle habits and, above all, maintain consistency in their practice.

If you have any questions, it is best to consult your doctor. The healthcare professional will always be able to provide advice and guidance.






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