Flaxseed Water And Its Wonderful Uses For Health, Hair And Skin

In addition to having gastroprotective properties, flaxseed water helps control blood triglyceride levels. It can also help us eliminate acne, thanks to its antibacterial action.
Flaxseed water and its wonderful uses for health, hair and skin

Flax seeds are well known all over the world  and, in fact, millions of people now consume them, having made the decision to take advantage of their properties. Next, we’ll explore the different health uses of flaxseed water.

Flaxseed originates from flax, a plant whose cultivation is carried out in several temperate climate regions. However, the most famous ones come from Canada, as the cold climate favors the concentration of acids and essential oils.

Until a few years ago, many of the qualities it has for the overall health of the body were unknown. Thanks to several investigations and many testimonials, there is currently no doubt about their benefits and all they can provide.

Basically, the seeds are being used for health reasons as an ingredient in salads, cookies or juices, among others. However, after confirming the effectiveness of their nutrients, it was determined that they can also  be a great ally for everything related to beauty.

Have you ever heard about flaxseed water?

Although this seed can be consumed without an accompaniment or as an addition to various dishes, one of the most popular ways to make the most of all its properties is through the popular “linseed water”.

It consists of a natural drink made from the infusion of flax, to which, generally, a little lemon is added to increase its benefits and preserve it better.

5 great uses of flaxseed water for health

Flax seeds are an interesting source of fiber, omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidant compounds  that benefit cell function. Due to these nutritional qualities, the regular consumption of your water can contribute to improving your health, preventing and treating various pathologies.

1. Helps improve cardiovascular health

Flaxseed water helps improve cardiovascular health

As it is a plant source of omega 3 fatty acids and mucilage, its  ingestion is beneficial to control cholesterol and triglyceride levels, especially in people who have received high values.

Thanks to this characteristic and its anticoagulant effect,  it is also suitable for improving circulation, lowering blood pressure and regulating the body’s inflammatory process, which is one of the main causes of heart disease.

2. Help regulate blood glucose

Flaxseed has a high content of mucilage, a soluble fiber that helps regulate blood glucose. In addition, it provides alpha linoleic acid, a nutrient that, while not curing diabetes, does  influence a patient’s lower insulin requirements.

3. Favors digestion

Flaxseed water favors digestion

Fiber and digestive enzymes are responsible for this important benefit. Thanks to them, you  can prevent constipation, heartburn, gas and other stomach problems  that affect people regularly.

It acts as a soothing tonic, ideal for reducing symptoms of gastritis and indigestion. In addition, it has a gastroprotective effect that helps prevent chronic diseases of this system.

4. Strengthens hair

Due to its important supply of group B vitamins and vitamin E, it  can be applied to hair to strengthen it and combat hair loss. Its essential oils, added to antioxidants and fiber, stimulate circulation to accelerate its growth and reduce problems such as dryness.

In addition, it is a natural gel to control  frizz , acts as a natural scalp moisturizer and provides a spectacular shine.

5. Helps with skin care

Flaxseed water helps with skin care

For beautiful, smooth skin, it can be used in two ways: by ingestion and by topical application. Its mucilages and pectin have a soothing and antibacterial action  that helps to repair and protect the skin from different conditions.

Among its main benefits for skin care, they include:

  • Relieves psoriasis and eczema
  • Acts as a depressant against burns
  • Cleanses the skin and eliminates impurities
  • Prevents premature aging
  • Tones and helps to close pores
  • Helps reduce excess fat and acne

How to prepare flaxseed water?

How to prepare flaxseed water?

This drink is very easy to prepare; the same recipe works for both its ingestion and its direct application.


  • 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds (20 g).
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 lemon juice

Method of preparation

  • Boil a liter of water in a saucepan and, as  soon as it starts to boil, add the flaxseeds  and cook for another 3 minutes.
  • Then  remove from heat, allow it to cool and filter the liquid  to remove any remaining seeds.
  • Pour the drink into a glass pitcher,  add the lemon juice and it’s ready.

As you can see,  the health and aesthetic uses of flaxseed water are diverse, as well as remarkably powerful. Again, nature itself provides us with important tools for our overall well-being.

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