Exercises To Strengthen The Lower Back

In addition to strengthening the lower back with these exercises, we’ll get many other additional benefits, so it’s a good idea to include them in our daily routine to get the most out of them.
Exercises to strengthen the lower back

Lower back pain is more common than we believe  due to our everyday habits (which include poor posture at work, for example). Therefore, in this article we will talk about some exercises to strengthen the lower back and stop feeling disabling discomfort.

Lower back pain

Adults suffer many consequences for being sedentary. One is pain in the lower back, or lower back.

Discomforts are caused by accumulated tension  due, on the one hand, to lack of mobility and, on the other hand, to poor muscle development.

If this part of the body hurts, you should avoid spending too many hours sitting, for example, in front of the computer. Get up and walk around the office while you have coffee or take a call.

  • Having a comfortable chair that isn’t too soft is also critical to maintaining good posture.
  • Also, when you have to lift any weight off the floor, there is no reason to make  the mistake of bending your torso and using all your back strength.

Instead, we recommend lowering by bending your knees.

  • When sleeping, do not use mattresses that are too soft and  try to fall asleep on your back,  placing a pillow under your knees.

Exercises to strengthen the lower back

Although doing physical activity is very important, for these exercises it is not necessary to go to the gym. You can strengthen your lower back at home, when you get back from work or your daily chores.

1. Trunk elevation

woman doing yoga
  • To start, lie facedown on a mat or blanket.
  • Stretch your legs well and put your arms behind you (leave them over your butt).
  • Raise your head and torso until you “unstick” them from the floor  as much as possible.
  • Hold the pose for a few seconds and come down.

A variation of this exercise is known as “the snake” and consists of resting your palms at shoulder height and then straightening your arms. Bring your head back for greater effectiveness.

2. Knee bending

This exercise is very relaxing and has many benefits such as strengthening the lower back.

  • Lie on your back and bring your knees to your chest.
  • Take them between your arms like you would a ball.
  • Apply some pressure and  move your legs to the sides like a pendulum.
  • Then stretch your right leg and concentrate on applying pressure to just the left leg using your hands.
  • At 30 seconds, switch sides.

3. Pelvis lifting

woman doing pelvic lift

Although you may not believe it, this exercise works for the lower back because it strengthens the back in general.

  • Face up on the mat, bend your legs to support your feet. The arms are pressed against the body.
  • Little by little, lift your pelvis until your back completely detaches from the floor. The idea is that  only the head, shoulders and arms (in addition to the feet) are supported .
  • Lower it slowly.

Once you have done this exercise several times, you can add a weight that you will place under your abdomen.

4. Cat exercise

Widely used in yoga, and is ideal so that the lower back doesn’t hurt.

  • Rest your knees and palms on the floor.
  • Arch your back up and “hide your head” between your shoulders.
  • Then do the reverse movement: head back and back down.

As with the previous exercise, when you’ve done this several times you can add a weight (for example, a disk) to your back.

5. Isometric exercises

woman doing board

Another excellent choice among exercises to  strengthen your lower back while working your entire back,  abdomen, and arms.

  • Lie facedown on the mat and lift your legs off the floor (knee down) and arms.
  • Hold the pose for a few seconds and then rest.

A second run can alternate the movement, that is, lifting the right leg and left arm and then the other way around.

6. Speaker posture

If you are suffering from severe back pain, this stretch can help a lot.

  • Get on your knees on the floor and lower your torso until your forehead touches the floor.
  • Extend your arms above your head and rest your palms on the floor.
  • The butt must rest on the heels.

7. Cross stretch

woman doing stretching
  • Lie on your back on the floor with your legs straight.
  • Cross your right leg over your left. Lift your lower back slightly.
  • Extend your right arm and bring your  right knee to the ground so that the twist is most effective.

Another alternative to this exercise is to cross one leg over the other and place the sole of your foot on the floor.

8. Counter surveys

This exercise is ideal for strengthening the lower back and not hurting as much due to bad posture or habits, as well as for improving balance.

  • Rest your knees on the floor. Then the palms. Extend your arms.
  • Raise your right (straight) leg while raising your left arm straight.
  • Put them both down and do the same with the other side.
  • Keep in mind that the movements must be slow to avoid falling to one side.

Do you already practice exercises to strengthen your lower back? If you are experiencing pain in this region of your back, be sure to give it a try!

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