Everything You Need To Know About Macrobiotic Diet

Macrobiotic feeding is more of a lifestyle than a diet, based on the Taoist principles of yin and yang. Based on food harmony, here we explain its steps and recommendations.
Everything you need to know about macrobiotic diet

Did you know that the macrobiotic diet comes from the Eastern yin-yang tradition? Want to find out how this can influence your physical and mental balance?

Macrobiotic food comes from Japan and derives from the philosophical principles of Taoism. In this article, we’ll explain what it is.

universal principles

Eastern customs and the macrobiotic diet

Macrobiotic nutrition is based on the balance between yin and yang, the feminine and masculine principles, respectively, that govern life in the Eastern philosophical tradition. Together, these two principles establish the union of a whole.

These two ideas of Taoist philosophy manifest the perennial duality of everything that exists in the universe. At the same time, they represent opposing energies that complement each other. In the macrobiotic diet, the balance between yin and yang defines the relationship not only between the types of foods, but also between the utensils we use to cook them and the dishes we serve them.

Origin of macrobiotic diet

The Japanese George Ohsawa was the one who coined the term “macrobiotic feeding”. The diet became popular in the 30s of the last century in Europe and then spread to the US in the 50s.

Ohsawa’s theory is based on eating food in an ideal ratio of yin and yang of 5 to 1. Thus, we allow the body to harmonize physically and mentally. According to the macrobiotic tradition, if the body is in harmony, it will be able to perceive reality much more clearly.

What does it consist of?

The original macrobiotic feed consisted of 5 main diets with different proportions of yin and yang foods, ranked from highest to lowest animal protein content. But, over time, it evolved towards a vegetarian diet with less radical approaches, in the context of a harmonious and healthy lifestyle.

Macrobiotic nutrition is based on organic and proximity foods. It is mainly made up of seasonal vegetables, rich in complex carbohydrates. Also, it includes a significant amount of cereal. On the other hand, the only animal protein allowed is fish, depending on the type of macrobiotic diet you follow.

Macronutrients are distributed approximately as follows:

  • 40-60% : whole grains such as rice, barley, oats and buckwheat.
  • 20-30% : fruits and vegetables.
  • 10-25% : legumes and derivatives, such as tofu, miso and temph. Also marine vegetables like algae.

In fact, some people include small amounts of fermented vegetables, nuts, seeds, and occasionally fish.

General Macrobiotic Diet Recommendations

Benefits of Oriental Diet

The following recommendations are as follows:

  • Only eat and drink when you feel hungry and thirsty, respectively.
  • Chew food well before swallowing.
  • For cooking and storing food, use materials such as wood, glass and porcelain.
  • Avoid microwave ovens and electric stoves.
  • Purify the water before drinking or cooking with it.
  • Avoid alcoholic, sugary or caffeinated beverages.

health benefits

In general, it can be said that macrobiotic nutrition is more a balanced lifestyle than a diet. Following a well-planned macrobiotic diet is beneficial to your health, as is any diet that increases the amount of vegetables and minimizes processed foods.

Some followers of this philosophy say its properties may work in cancer treatment. However, the British cancer research agency Cancer Research claims that there is no evidence of a cure for cancer and even warns about its possible harmful effects.

On the other hand, there are studies that indicate that diet has a positive effect on health in general and on the treatment of type II diabetes in particular.

Healthy alternative?

Macrobiotic Diet Foods

However, if you have nutritional deficiencies, a restrictive and poorly planned macrobiotic diet based only on whole grains is dangerous.

So, did you like this article? So, stay with us as we have more tips for your health, beauty and well-being.

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