Eating Nuts Helps Lower Blood Pressure

Including oilseeds in our diet is one of the healthiest habits we can incorporate into our daily lives. Did you know that eating nuts helps lower blood pressure? Find out all the details below.
Eating Nuts Helps Lower Blood Pressure

a real functional food that, due to its properties, helps control blood pressure. 

a good diet, accompanied by healthy habits and foods like nuts,

The nutritional richness of nuts

bioactive components.

These qualities give it a series of beneficial properties for health. promote well-being.

there is evidence of its positive effects on heart and brain health.

  • made up of 65% fat and 15% protein. Also, it hardly provides carbohydrates and many of them are in the form of fiber.
  • On the other hand, it is characterized by the supply of polyunsaturated fatty acids, in particular alpha linolenic acid (ALA), from the omega 3 series.
  • Also provides significant amounts of vitamins E and B6
Crack the nuts to consume them
Nuts stand out for their content of omega 3, vitamin E, proteins and essential minerals.

Why eating nuts can help lower blood pressure?

A recent study

people who added nuts to their regular diet had lower blood pressure sources of unsaturated fat

protects endothelial function and reduces oxidative damage to arteries.

lower LDL cholesterol,

The Diet for Hypertension

Hypertension is a health problem that affects many people and needs to be controlled.

one of the most useful ways The healthiest habits are as follows: 

  • Engage in physical activity, if possible, every day.
  • Maintain proper weight.
  • Trying to manage stress. Physical exercise is one of the most suitable activities for this purpose, but we can also try some disciplines such as yoga, tai chi, meditation or massage.
  • like tobacco
  • Eat healthy.
cook healthy
Nuts alone cannot lower blood pressure. They need to be included in a healthy diet, such as the popular DASH diet.

This practice is positive for the elderly or those with diabetes mellitus.

it is important to encourage the total intake of other minerals, which should be present in abundance.

A dietary guideline studied well is the DASH diet There is scientific evidence

Eating Nuts Every Day Helps Lower Blood Pressure


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