Eating Habits To Fight Premature Aging

By modifying your diet, you can maintain smooth, glowing skin and prevent wrinkles from appearing early. Here are some eating habits to help you fight premature aging.
Eating habits to fight premature aging

Aging is inevitable, but some people can age earlier. Premature aging does not have a specific cause,  so it is not uncommon to find people who have their first wrinkles in their 20s.

Fortunately, if you change your eating habits, you’ll be able to maintain smooth, glowing skin for decades.

Aging is basically a chronic inflammatory disease. If you consume foods that ignite, such as trans fats, you will age easily.

Collagen is responsible for keeping your skin elastic and wrinkle-free, so if you eat collagen rich foods, you’ll look better. On the other hand, consuming a lot of sugar and pre-cooked causes damage to your skin.

Causes of premature aging

When we are between 20 and 25 years of age, losing a certain degree of hydration can cause the first lines of expression to appear. If you have dry or white skin, your fine lines are even more defined. This is not considered premature aging.

Other causes of premature aging are:

  • Exposure to the sun. Spending several hours exposed to UV rays damages the body’s collagen production. Sun-affected skin will take longer to regenerate than healthy, hydrated skin. To avoid this, use a good quality sunscreen and constantly hydrate yourself.
  • Smoke. The  tobacco  accelerates the aging processes  in the body and cause other health problems such as lung cancer. Ideally, you should completely break this habit. We know it’s not always easy, but it’s the healthiest.
  • Stress. This state of mind alters your hormone levels and the skin takes longer than normal to regenerate. To avoid this, exercise and engage in relaxing activities such as meditation.

Foods You Should Avoid to Fight Premature Aging

1. Fried foods

Avoid fried foods if you want to fight premature aging

Any food that passes through oil causes inflammation in the body. The effect is worse if they are trans fats, because they also raise cholesterol.

Many foods you buy ready-made have gone through an oil-cooking process, so you should avoid them. We recommend that you learn to read labels and prepare your own food, as fresh as possible .

Visit this article: 6 tips for healthy, low-fat cooking

2. Alcohol

Although drinking a glass of wine from time to time has certain health benefits, it should be consumed in great moderation.

If you drink every day, the  cells will  age faster . The problem is that alcohol does not provide nutrients.

3. Pastry

Avoid Flour to Fight Premature Aging

Most breads and cookies contain high levels of sugar. This impairs collagen production causing faster aging.

Instead of consuming commercial breads with a high sugar content, choose wholegrain breads and always in small portions. A good alternative is to consume cereals that provide healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, such as quinoa or oats.

4. Junk food

Do you eat pizzas, commercial sandwiches and other types of junk food on a daily basis? If the answer is yes, you should know that  this type of food contains processed meats, trans fats and flours that contribute to inflammation in the body.

Fats will cause your blood flow to be affected and your skin to look less fresh and healthy. In addition to stopping these foods, it  is important that you perform an internal and external detox.

Choose healthy options to fight premature aging

Now that you know which products make you look more tired and older than you really are, it’s time to talk about what you should be eating.

We tend to think that a healthy diet is boring, but nothing is further from reality. To look young, consume:


Eating eggs regularly helps fight premature aging

Provides proteins, amino acids and  vitamin D In addition to eating them, you can use them to create some masks that improve your skin. Ideally, eat two eggs twice a week.

When cooking them, avoid adding too many unhealthy oils or fats. If possible, add some vegetables.

Also read: How do you know if eggs are spoiled?


They are ideal for their content of prebiotics, vitamins and flavonoids. They also  have antioxidants, which are responsible for fighting free radicals that can damage your skin  and cause wrinkles.

Try to eat a serving of berries a day, preferably fresh. You can use them to add a fresher flavor to your juices or to satisfy your craving for something sweet.

Green tea

Green tea helps fight premature aging

It has powerful antioxidants that help to regenerate skin cells. It’s the perfect option to get energy and replace coffee.

If you don’t like the taste of  green tea , you can add some fruits or spices to change the flavor a bit. Another option is to use it as a base for your green juices or moisturizing infusions.

Also, you can create some facial tonics that make it easier to hydrate your skin on the outside.

After reading these recommendations, would you say that your diet favors your well-being and beauty? Otherwise, you still have time to improve your eating habits. Apply these tricks and you’ll quickly notice the changes.

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