Don’t Try To Change Me, Love Me For Who I Am

If you really respect me and want us to be happy, love me for who I am and don’t try to change me. Accept me because I do the same with you and your way of being.
Don't try to change me, love me the way I am

In many of our relationships we unconsciously want to “change” the people around us. This is most noticeable in relationships between couples, where we always want the other person to change. 

Now, have you ever wondered what the other person would be thinking… “you want me the way I am” or “you want me to be different” ?

Love me as I am, with my virtues and faults

All people are imperfect,  and shaping ourselves because our partner wants us to is not a valid option. Each of us is unique and special.

We must never change for anyone, only if that is what we want. Keep that in mind, because it’s something we always fall for.

Man who doesn't want his partner to change

If a person wants to change it, he doesn’t really appreciate it. What happens if you don’t change? Things will go wrong and the relationship fails.

That’s why someone always ends up feeling like a  puppet ;  and this cannot be allowed, you will not be happy.

People who want to share a life with us must accept us as we are without trying to change our essence.

The moment we allow this, we stop being ourselves and become someone completely different.

We always defend the fact that we are loved just as we are. When someone changes us and we allow it, it is because we are insecure and believe that for the relationship to go well, we need to change.

The problem is, this doesn’t solve the problem.

Maybe you are two people who shouldn’t be together; maybe that desire and that love has been undermined over time, because in reality you are very different from each other.

Maybe there are other problems that you don’t want to go into and that’s why they camouflage under the alternative of change. A more than incorrect option.

love me more, love me better

There are people who are very toxic  and who involuntarily try to manipulate others at will.

This happens in a lot of relationships and that’s where these situations arise where someone wants to change us. They may want to be with you, they may really love you, but this is not the way. They don’t accept you as you are.

Sad girl because they want to change their way of being

We are very afraid of breaking up a relationship because we haven’t changed; we always tend to give our all, until we lose our essence so that we don’t blame ourselves for not having done anything for the relationship.

However, this attitude of allowing them to change you is not a good thing.

Sometimes we don’t know how to differentiate between loving a lot and loving with quality. It is preferable that someone loves you less, but that that love is better than that of someone who loves you too much.

Don’t be happy about anything; you don’t deserve to be loved anyway.

If you have low self-esteem or insecurity, you  will probably be happy with this person who wants to change you.

Do you think that this way you will feel more happiness and that it’s your fault if your relationship doesn’t work out? Nothing further from the truth.

How can the relationship go well if you are not happy?

don’t try to change me

You will never be comfortable moving, because the other person needs it. You need to change for your own good, not to satisfy the desires of someone else who might want to manipulate you.

Yes, there are many couples where secret manipulation is appreciated.

couple who don't want to change

Beware of all those toxic relationships  you can sink into without noticing it clearly.

Love blinds us, and we believe that we have to do certain things, like change, so the other person knows that we are fighting for the relationship and that we are making a big effort to make sure everything goes well.

Of course, we should try hard, but never to the point where we get hurt.

The next time someone asks you to change, answer: “love me the way I am because I won’t change”.

Your partner must accept you for who you are,  if that doesn’t happen then it’s not worth it. This is not proof of love, this is proof of manipulation.

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