Do You Know How And When To Drink Water?

It is important to drink 2 liters of water a day, but not with meals, so that it does not interfere with gastric juices.
Do you know how and when to drink water?

We often hear that it is important to drink water as it offers us many health benefits. But do we really know how and when to do it correctly?

It is important to obtain this information, as the way we drink water can determine whether it is beneficial or harmful to the body.

Fasting, essential

Drinking a glass or two of water on an empty stomach will help flush out toxins that have been left in our digestive tracts and at the same time gently activate our organs to start functioning.

Just drink water at least 20 minutes before breakfast. And it will be much healthier than starting the day with coffee, for example.

Furthermore, whether you choose to take it warm or hot, including adding the juice of half a lemon, it will activate your bowels, and will convert the mixture into an excellent and simple remedy for combating constipation.

It is also highly recommended to do this in the morning, when we get up with fluid retention, with swollen face or eyelids, to make the kidneys start to work well.

Lemon mixture to drink more flavored water

Hunger or thirst?

Did you know that we often think we are hungry and are actually thirsty? Sometimes we don’t know how to interpret our body’s signals, which are especially important if we want to control our weight.

That’s why we recommend something very simple: whenever you’re hungry, drink a glass of water. If after a few minutes your hunger remains, then eat. But sometimes you will be surprised that the hunger will just disappear.

Half an hour before meals to eat less

If we drink a glass of water half an hour before eating, in addition to avoiding thirst during the meal, we will allow the water to act as a mild satiator, which will prevent us from overeating.

Don’t drink too much with meals

Just as it is important to drink water throughout the day, we should avoid drinking water during meals, as water interferes with gastric juices and can worsen digestion. Also, in the case of children, it can take away their appetite.

If the food is based on a salad, we can drink some water, and even this information can help us to include fresh foods such as salads or cold broths in our meals and reduce salt intake, in addition to finishing the meal with an infusion digestive and we always drink liquids before eating.

Cup of tea symbolizing how important it is to drink water and hydrate yourself

a glass before bedtime

We start the day drinking water and we should end it with a glass of warm water to prepare the body for rest. Another option is to take an infusion of medicinal plants.

People with a lot of need to urinate at night should avoid this tip, in addition to people who suffer from incontinence and young children.

Do not drink large amounts in one sip (at once)

When we recommend drinking throughout the day, we are referring to small sips every few years, not large amounts at once. This is especially recommended when it’s very hot or when we play sports, etc.

Cold, hot or warm water?

Even in the desert, people drink hot tea because it makes them sweat, which automatically refreshes the body. Therefore, the ideal is to always drink warm or hot water.

In any case, we will never recommend cold water, as it can affect our digestive system, altering its naturally warm temperature and ideal for digestion.

What is the right amount?

A liter and a half? Two litters? We should not give any definitive information until we learn to “listen” to our body.

Summer is obviously different from winter, an adult is different from a child, a person who sweats easily from one who does not, a vegetarian from a person who eats a lot of animal protein, etc.

At first, it’s hard to get used to drinking water continuously, but when we start, we’ll realize that the body will ask us for the amount of fluid it needs.

child practicing the act of drinking water

And if drinking water is costly…

For many people, drinking water is very costly. A very simple trick is to add a few drops of natural lemon juice and a few drops of stevia to the water.  So, with such a simple detail, we’ll give the water a delicious lemonade flavor without adding calories or other substances.

Another option is to add a drop of citrus essential oil (orange, lemon, grapefruit, tangerine…) suitable for consumption. Infusions are also a good alternative to alternate with natural water.

Images provided by DorteF, n_sapiens and zsoltika.

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