Discover The Best Gluten-free Cereals To Include In Your Diet

If you have gluten intolerance, it is very important that you know which cereals you can include in your diet to avoid this component without dispensing the necessary nutrients for the body.
Discover the best gluten free cereals to include in your diet

Some people believe that when they are diagnosed as being gluten intolerant, they need to eliminate all grains from their diet. Of course, this belief causes doubts and problems with eating. The most important thing is to understand that your body requires the benefits of cereals.

 The best gluten free cereals

Here, we’ll tell you what the best gluten free cereals are. If you don’t know them, start trying them out.

1. Quinoa

The first gluten-free cereal you should eat regularly is quinoa. It’s a product that has become very popular over the last decade. However, its benefits are enormous and worth knowing.

The first thing you should know is that it is a very high protein food. For this reason, it helps you to feel satisfied for several hours. In addition, it provides us with large amounts of minerals such as magnesium, potassium and vitamin B.

Best of all, you can consume this cereal in both sweet and savory preparations. The simplest way is to simply boil it with some cinnamon and water or milk. With this recipe, you will have a preparation very similar to rice pudding that is perfect for breakfast.

When buying quinoa, choose natural cereal. While you’ll find several commercial options, some contain preservatives that add sodium and other chemicals.

2. Millet


Have you ever eaten millet? Probably not, because it’s not a common food in our diet. However, it was a staple of ancient Asian cultures. Plus, it’s one of the gluten-free cereals that you can easily include any time of the day.

Millet is rich in complex carbohydrates. This means that it provides energy to carry out your activities without altering your glucose levels. Despite the benefits mentioned, you should not exaggerate the amounts you consume, because any excess has harmful effects on your health.

If you are having trouble regulating your intestinal transit, you should know that millet is also rich in soluble fiber. Therefore, including it in your diet regularly will help you lose weight and cleanse your intestines of toxins.

The preparation of millet is not at all complicated. Its cooking is very similar to rice. The simplest way to prepare it is to cook it in a pan of water. It is recommended to soak the beans for a couple of hours to speed up cooking.

3. Rice

Of all gluten free cereals, the most common is rice. In addition to being economical and versatile, it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Its flour is a good alternative to traditional wheat flour.

Of course, you’ll have to adapt the recipes and taste a bit, but the breads will be as soft and delicious as with traditional flour. There are few recommendations on rice consumption. However, the best option is to choose brown rice. This is what contains the greatest amount of fiber, B vitamins and minerals (magnesium and manganese).

When choosing brown rice, you favor the improvement of cardiovascular health. In particular, you will reduce the fat accumulated in your blood vessels so that high cholesterol will no longer be a problem. The only requirement to obtain these benefits is to avoid cooking with fat or any type of frying.

4. Corn among gluten-free cereals


Among all gluten-free cereals, the most common is corn. This has been a fundamental part of the diet of the American continent. Today it is one of the food bases of Mexican culture and you should also consume it.

Among its most important benefits are the amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In addition, it is rich in fiber, so it regulates intestinal transit.

As you can see, there are plenty of good choices, so being celiac doesn’t have to be a limitation to enjoy healthy and delicious food.

Did you like our tips? So stay with us as we have more recipes for your health and well-being.

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