Crispy Shrimp And Vegetable Salad

A crispy salad is a delicious and healthy option. We can prepare a large number of variations and make it a complete and low-calorie dish.
Crispy shrimp and vegetable salad

Here are some recipes to prepare a delicious crispy shrimp and vegetable salad. This dish combines the delicious and intense flavor of the crustacean with the very beneficial nutritional properties of vegetables. What do you think about trying it out?

As pointed out by ‘Self Nutrition Data’ , shrimp are low in calories and high in protein. In fact, an 85 gram serving contains up to 18 grams of protein. They also provide omega 3, selenium, iron and B-complex vitamins.

Vegetables, on the other hand, contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other important bioactive compounds that promote well-being. Its habitual consumption is essential to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Below, we’ll give you some tips on how to combine these foods into a salad.

Crunchy salad with angles

Shrimp for crispy salad

With this first salad we will be able to enjoy an interesting mix of ingredients, the flavor of seafood, the crunchy of the pasta and the freshness of vegetables.


  • 1 ¼ cups of lettuce sprouts (200 g)
  • ½ cup of anglers, fresh or frozen (160 g)
  • ½ cup of peeled shrimp, fresh or frozen (100 g)
  • 4 sheets of puff pastry
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 teaspoon of paprika (5 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of butter (20 g)
  • 5 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (80 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (15 g)
  • Balsamic vinegar from Modena
  • Salt (to taste)

Crispy salad preparation

  • First, separate the sheets of puff pastry and grease them with a little butter, previously melted, after a few seconds in the microwave.
  • After that, cut the dough into tulip shapes and arrange on an aluminum baking sheet. To do this, also cut the ends with blunt scissors.
  • Then preheat the oven to a temperature of 165 °C and bake the dough for about 7 minutes, until it is sufficiently browned.
  • Afterwards, remove from the oven and let it cool. Once baked, the dough can be kept in a closed container for several days, in a cool, dry environment.
  • Once the dough is ready, cut the garlic into slices and brown in very hot oil. Be very careful not to burn them, just brown them.
  • After the garlic is browned, season with a little salt to make it more crunchy, remove from the pan and set aside.
  • Soon after, using the same oil, we can sauté the shrimps and the anglers. Saute them for just a few minutes to absorb the flavor of the oil and garlic.
  • On the other hand, also prepare a vinaigrette. To do this, mix about four tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil with a pinch of paprika, a little apple cider vinegar and salt to taste.
  • After mixing all the ingredients, mix well until you get a smooth, lump-free sauce.
  • Finally, wash and dry the lettuce sprouts properly. Tear off the larger sheets until they are the proper size.

Assembling and preparing the salad

  • When all the previous steps are ready, we’ll assemble the salad when it’s time to be served.
  • For this, we will fill the dough with lettuce sprouts and the mixture of shrimp and anglers.
  • After that, we’ll season to taste.
  • Finally, we’ll add a few tablespoons of vinaigrette.
  • Regarding the presentation of the dish, we can serve the crispy pasta on a flat plate, with a pinch of balsamic vinegar in the center.

Crispy salad with green beans

Pods for crispy salad

As a second option, we can put more emphasis on the vegetables inside the dish with this crispy salad recipe. One of its basic ingredients is green beans which, as a study published in the scientific journal ‘ Phytochemical Analysis’ points out , is a source of phytochemicals that promote health.


  • 1 cup of fresh shrimp (200 g)
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 cup of pods (150 g)
  • ½ cup spinach leaves (30 g)
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil (60 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar (30 ml)
  • Salt and black pepper to taste)

Salad making

  • First, mix the vinegar with half the amount of oil and a little salt, plus the ground black pepper.
  • Then peel the shrimp and remove the ends of the pods.  You can also cut them in half.
  • Then peel the carrots, cutting them into sticks.
  • Soon after, remove the ends of the zucchini and then cut it also in the shape of sticks.
  • Cook the green beans for about 5 minutes, the carrots for about 2 minutes and the zucchini for just 30 seconds.
  • Afterwards, drain the vegetables and let them cool under a jet of ice water.
  • Then saute the shrimp with the remaining oil for one minute. Then add half the vinaigrette to the skillet.
  • Finally, place the spinach leaves in a large bowl and add the drained vegetables.
  • Add remaining sauce and mix well.

When do you plan to prepare these delicious salads? We are sure they will be successful. Get ready to add them to your cookbook!

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