Common Mistakes We Make When Ironing

When you don’t wet your clothes, use distilled water or regulate the temperature, you make ironing more difficult. Find out the mistakes you should avoid so as not to damage your clothes or your iron.
Common mistakes we make when ironing

Despite your attempts to buy clothes that don’t require the use of iron, it ‘s impossible to completely avoid this task. Your lack of practice can cause you to fall into some of the biggest mistakes we make when ironing, and that’s what we’ll talk about today.

Light and airy fabrics such as linen and silk, ideal for summer use, should be ironed so as not to convey the image of a careless person.

9 mistakes we make when ironing

For some, this is tedious work, while others seem to enjoy it. Perhaps because the latter have discovered a way to avoid repeating the habits that prevent them from obtaining smooth, wrinkle-free clothes. Know what to do and what is important to avoid:

1. You leave the delicate clothes for last

If you’re one of those who don’t like ironing, you’re likely to leave delicate clothes until last, as they require special care. However, this will not only waste more time, it will also increase your hatred for this task.

To avoid damaging your delicate items with high temperatures, the recommendation is that you start with them. Iron these clothes while the appliance is still warming up.

2. You don’t wet your clothes

When clothes are very dry, no matter how many times you iron them, wrinkles will remain. It can also affect the fabrics of the clothes and increase the likelihood of burning them.

In this sense, if the clothes are dry, try to moisten them with the iron vaporizer. If you don’t have one, you can also use a water spray.

iron the clothes
Ironing clothes is not a task everyone enjoys. This leads to frequent errors.

3. You don’t use distilled water

As we said, moistening clothes before ironing is essential to eliminate wrinkles. However, not all types of water are suitable for this task. An example of this is hard water.

If using tap water, make sure it is not hard. If so, you’ll have to buy distilled water, which, being free of impurities and minerals, protects iron and cuts work time in half.

4. You forget to set the temperature

One of the most common mistakes we make when ironing is putting the appliance at maximum temperature. But this, instead of speeding up the task, can ruin your clothes.

Note that not all fabric types respond equally to high temperatures. So there will be some pieces of clothing that you will need to iron on the lowest setting.

5. You don’t turn the clothes inside out

If you have items with delicate prints in your wardrobe, turn them inside out before ironing. Otherwise, part of the design will be ironed, and you won’t want that!

To avoid messes, you’d better get used to ironing all your clothes inside out. Keep in mind that this also maintains the fabric’s original color longer.

6. You don’t clean the iron

You’re probably wondering why you need to clean your iron if your clothes are clean. Believe it or not, it gets dirty. You should clean it with a damp cotton cloth when the iron is at room temperature, before and after using it.

7. You iron all your clothes at the same time

Perhaps one of the reasons you hate passing so much is because you let a mountain of pieces accumulate and you have to spend several hours on it. This can be counterproductive for both the iron and clothing, as the appliance overheats. Therefore, the recommendation is that you divide the ironing into several shifts.

8. You misuse starch

Starch is beneficial when ironing. There are those who claim that it can improve the appearance of fabrics, maintaining their color, texture and softness for longer, in addition to eliminating wrinkles and stains.

However, if not used correctly, it can have the opposite effect. Be careful not to overspray this product and wait for it to penetrate the fabric before ironing.

9. You don’t empty the iron reservoir

If you iron and do not empty the water tank, it could damage the appliance . Over time, water can affect systems and parts. Also, standing water tends to stain clothes when you use it to moisten.

Clothes ironed without mistakes
Correctly ironing clothes improves the life of the iron.

Learn to iron clothes without making mistakes

Ironing clothes can be a bearable task that you may find yourself enjoying. The difference is in making the fewest mistakes. So, when removing wrinkles from clothes, try cleaning the iron, dampening the clothes and turning them inside out.

Likewise, remember to adjust the temperature, use distilled water and empty the device’s reservoir. Otherwise, you might end up staining your clothes on the next pass.

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