Colitis: 6 Home Remedies To Fight It

Carrots are one of the most effective remedies for controlling colitis. Its anti-inflammatory compounds and its fiber content help relieve pain and prevent weakness.

In short, colitis is a digestive problem that occurs due to inflammation of the large intestine or rectum.

This region, the lowest of the intestine, presents changes in the mucosa that covers it and then generates a series of negative reactions that include severe pain and diarrhea.

It is estimated that at least 60% of affected patients are from the female population; moreover, of these, most are under 40 years of age.

Although it tends to occur sporadically and lightly, many people have to request medical assistance because they present the problem in a recurrent and chronic way.

So far there is no established cause to explain its appearance; however, it is believed that it has to do with eating habits, genetic issues and the consumption of some medications.

Luckily, there are natural remedies that, without adverse effects, can help alleviate your symptoms before it creates other types of complications.

So, on this occasion we want to share the best 6 so that you don’t stop taking them when this condition affects you.

Learn about foods to fight colitis

1. Natural yogurt

Natural yoghurt is one of the best natural remedies for the treatment of colitis, since after ingesting it,  the intestine is strengthened with live cultures that regulate its natural pH.

This group of healthy bacteria helps generate lactic acid, a substance needed to eliminate harmful toxins that lodge in this region of the body.

Furthermore, these qualities confer positive effects on immune health, as they increase the response to many infectious agents that invade the body.

How to use it?

  • Simply consume one cup of plain yogurt a day.
  • Also, add plain yogurt in your fruit and vegetable smoothies.

2. Potato juice

The alkaline power of potato juice is a great ally to combat ulcerative colitis and diarrhea episodes.

Its richness in starches and natural fibers  contributes to improve intestinal activity, controlling colon irritation.

In addition, its consumption relieves abdominal pain and reduces the accumulation of gases and acids.

How to use it?

  • Simply grate a raw potato, pass it through a strainer and consume its juice.
  • Repeat consumption 2 or 3 times a day.

3. Rice water

Rice water, the one prepared without seasoning, is a prebiotic remedy that helps regulate the natural pH of the intestine.

Its starches reduce colon irritation and, as it increases the presence of healthy bacteria, it helps to alleviate symptoms such as dyspepsia and gas.

Furthermore, due to its vitamin and mineral content, it is one of the best allies to replace nutrients that are lost due to diarrhea.

How to use it?

  • First, put two tablespoons of rice to a boil in a pot of water.
  • Then, when it is boiling, remove and wait for it to settle.
  • Once you reach a suitable temperature for consumption, pass through a strainer and drink one or two glasses a day.

4. Linseed water

The natural fibers contained in flaxseed are a great support for the treatment of bowel problems.

These nutrients, together with their fatty acids and antioxidants,  reduce inflammation and promote optimal waste elimination.


  • 1 tablespoon of linseed (10 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

How to use it?

  • First, dip a tablespoon of flaxseed into a glass of water and let it stand overnight.
  • The next day, when it has acquired a gelatinous consistency, pass it through a strainer and consume.
  • Drink a cup on an empty stomach every day until symptoms are relieved.

5. Carrot

Carrot is a vegetable rich in fiber and anti-inflammatory compounds  that, when assimilated in the intestine, control irritation and pain.

In addition, it has prebiotic properties, that is, they feed the bacterial flora that protect the colon.

Its nutrients help to prevent the body from becoming weak in the  face of chronic diarrhea or vomiting.

How to use it?

  • Simply prepare a natural carrot juice by passing the vegetable through an extractor.
  • Optionally, cook the vegetable in unsalted water and, when it is soft, prepare a puree.
  • Consume once a day until colitis is relieved.

6. Banana

Bananas contain a type of soluble fiber known as pectin  which, when absorbed from the intestine, helps balance its pH to relieve diarrhea or constipation.

In addition, its high levels of potassium and magnesium contribute to balance the body’s electrolytes , which are often altered by this condition.


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 teaspoon of bee honey (7.5 g)

How to use?

  • Simply mash the banana, mix it with the teaspoon of honey and consume.
  • Even more, you can add bananas to your vitamins or consume several pieces during the day.

Does this infection bother you? In addition to medical treatment, choose one of the recommended remedies and  consume to say goodbye to this problem.

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