Cassandra’s Complex: Learn More!

In Cassandra’s complex, there is a tendency to demonstrate the value in order to stop feeling underestimated, since it is thought that this will earn the respect of others.

The Cassandra complex is  part of one of the most famous myths known to the  Iliad  of Homer.

It is said that Apollo, the god of prediction, fascinated by the beauty of Cassandra, daughter of the kings of Troy, offered her something in exchange for her love.

What he promised you was the gift of prophecy. However,  Cassandra did not love Apollo,  so she accepted the gift but refused to be with Apollo. He was heartbroken, but mostly very angry.

The feeling of underestimation that internalizes

Cassandra’s complex makes women feel undervalued  in many areas of their lives. In fact, it builds its identity based on preconceptions that already exist about them.

Some of them claim that they are very fragile, that they cry for everything, that they are always the victims.

But, in addition, there are also those who utter phrases such as “she won’t be able to get married”, “she didn’t know how to hold a man by her side”.

All of this makes them build an identity that is largely based on dependence, the search for approval from others, lack of self-esteem and a tendency to take responsibility for everything.

To a large extent, this was the case with Cassandra, the one in the myth.

  • She sought to get others to approve her predictions, but she only received rejection.
  • She wanted to save her loved ones from any misfortune she realized before, but they didn’t trust her, so she felt bad and her self-esteem plummeted.

Therefore, in Cassandra’s complex there is always a tendency to demonstrate value because it is thought that you will gain respect  and love from others.

But on the other side there is none of that, just rejection.

Cassandra’s complex causes psychological changes

Woman with Cassandra complex on the stairs.

Due to all this feeling of underestimation, women who suffer from this complex begin to experience very important psychological changes.

One of these changes has to do with perfectionism, as well as a quest to control everything. In its excess one can see its most pronounced lack.

  • They are obsessed with  little things to show their mastery over.
  • This denotes the lack of control they have when they do everything right to get that approval over which they have no power.
If others underestimate them, they do too,  but with themselves, with their feelings and emotions.
In this way, they stop listening when their instinct tells them “this relationship is not suitable” or “is suffering in vain”.

This makes them wear out, something they won’t notice at first, until their body starts to show that there is something that is not being done well: pain, fatigue, sleep problems will appear…

If external rejection is already painful, internal rejection is even more terrible.

The marginalization of the feminine, the preponderance of the masculine

Cassandra’s complex supposes a marginalization of the feminine, in which women are not taken seriously  and are submissive to men.

When Apollo feels rejected, he uses his masculinity to exert his power over Cassandra. She has no opportunity. She suffers the consequences of male domination.

Something that keeps happening after suffering the wrath of Apollo will seek an approval and a trust that will always be denied.

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Many women suffer from this complex, as they are born with the internalized good. This feeling of underestimation is something that has been signed within them since they are born.

There is still a lot to be done against the marginalization of the feminine, with this “not taking into account” because women are  still considered fragile, emotional, very sensitive.

Those who suffer from the Cassandra complex also feed it. Is that eliminating these signed labels requires walking a very arduous and difficult path, full of steep slopes.

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