Carrot Benefits You Didn’t Know About

Its numerous benefits make carrots suitable for both consumption and external use. So we can enjoy all your vitamins and nutrients.
Benefits of the carrot you didn't know about

When talking about the benefits of carrots, we are certainly  thinking about the benefits for eyesight or for having a perfect tan.

However, this rich vegetable has many other properties that are worth mentioning. We’ll talk more about them in this article.

The benefits of carrots

One of the most produced vegetables in the world and that offers us a good amount of vitamins (complexes A, B, C and E) as well as antioxidants and minerals.

In addition, it has almost no calories (33 kcal per 100 grams) and can be eaten raw, grated, cooked, roasted or steamed.

The benefits of carrots are many and it is worth including it when we prepare our dishes.

delays premature aging

carrot benefits

Folic acid, fiber and magnesium from this vegetable, as well as beta-carotenes (responsible for its color) are wonderful sources of youth.

These components help the liver to form vitamin A, which is needed, for example, for skin health, bone strengthening and the well-being of the immune system.

These, on the other hand, protect the body from the harmful action of free radicals (caused by tobacco, pollution or stress).

Eating carrots  reduces the possibility of suffering from degenerative diseases and poor blood circulation. 

As if that were not enough, beta-carotenes prevent certain types of cancer (among them lung, mouth or breast).

Favors intestinal health

When digestive tract problems occur, it is recommended to consume raw carrots.

The vitamin A contained in carrots protects and regenerates the membranes of the stomach  and intestines.

Advised for people who suffer from:

  • Acidity
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Indigestion
  • Gastritis
  • Ulcer

Periodic consumption of carrots helps to keep the intestines in good condition, especially in patients with irritable bowel, diverticulitis, or Crohn’s disease.

Serve to recover from poisoning, infections and intestinal roundworms. Furthermore, if consumed boiled or steamed, it softens and soothes the digestive mucosa.

Thus, it serves to normalize traffic and prevents the appearance of hemorrhoids.

Benefits mother and baby

carrot juice

The vitamin A contained in carrots is very important for pregnant women, those who are breastfeeding, the fetus and newborn baby.

  • Allows the formation of new cells in the body, and brings antioxidants, calcium and folic acid.
  • During pregnancy, mothers should consume between 2 and 3 carrots a day to meet their needs for these nutrients.

On the other hand, when the child already consumes solid foods, it is recommended to add a cooked carrot to his plate.

If your baby has digestive or intestinal problems, carrots are perfect because they are  easily digested

It also improves stomach health and favors the formation of red blood cells. 

Controls blood sugar

Diabetics noticeably benefit from consuming raw carrots because of their carbohydrates.

These are absorbed more slowly, without causing hyperglycemia (the glycemic index of this cooked vegetable is higher, and therefore its ingestion is not recommended).

Furthermore,  it is a vegetable that improves blood circulation and eye health. Two of the most common problems in people with diabetes.

Strengthens immunity

Again we have to talk about vitamin A and beta-carotenes, because they are what allow the immune system to function properly.

In cases of colds and flu, it is advisable to eat a carrot puree or salad. 

A good amount of vitamin A translates into a healthy immune system as it helps to produce “defensive” cells that face the onslaught of viruses and bacteria.

In the face of infections or illnesses of this type, do not hesitate to consume carrots.

nourishes the skin

Carrots absorb all the impurities that accumulate in the skin. That’s why we can use them both in meals and in effective facial masks (for example, against acne).

If used externally, carrots are  used in cases of burns caused by the sun or fire, wounds or eczema.

This vegetable, on the other hand, is useful to protect us from the effects caused by ultraviolet rays.

Using a mask made with the pulp of a carrot for half an hour helps to reduce wrinkles and gives the skin a more youthful appearance. 

strengthens the mind

Carrot Juice

This is due to  its supply of two nutrients related to brain health: phosphorus and potassium. 

Both regenerate nerves and combat the effects of stress.

If lately you’ve been forgetting things or you’ve noticed that your mind doesn’t retain as much information as it used to, then don’t hesitate to eat more carrots.

Other benefits of carrots

As if everything we said before wasn’t enough… The carrot has even more properties!

  • Strengthens nails and hair.
  • It protects the heart by keeping the arteries free from plaque.
  • Eliminates fluid retention thanks to its diuretic capabilities.
  • It takes care of the health of teeth and gums, as it prevents bacteria from fixing.
  • Stimulates appetite (recommended for people with eating disorders).

Now that you know all these benefits of carrots, don’t forget to add them to your diet!

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