Broccoli Tortilla: Healthy And Easy Recipe

The advantage of broccoli is that it adapts very well to other ingredients or modifies its flavor, so we can combine it without any problems and include different variations in our broccoli tortilla.
Broccoli tortilla: healthy and easy recipe

To make a broccoli tortilla you don’t need to reinvent the original recipe, just tweak it a little to make it healthier. And no, it’s not because it contains this wonderful vegetable, but because the load of nutrients and elements it contains is richer and more beneficial for you.

Therefore, when preparing it, you should not consider that it will lose flavor or that the children at home will not like this recipe very much. You’ll find it’s possible to balance the nutritional contribution of broccoli with the delicious, traditional flavor you’ve always gotten from the tortilla.

As for the ingredients for the broccoli tortilla, this new alternative you need to make this recipe is not intended to be fully compatible with this vegetable, no. In fact, it has eggs in its preparation, but what makes it special is how you supplant some elements with others.

In this sense, potatoes, which regularly contain a lot of starch, which are then transformed into a lot of carbohydrates, and cheese, also present in any traditional tortilla, will be exchanged for broccoli. On the other hand, you will have a more crunchy taste thanks to the way of cooking and you will also take care of your health.

However, it wouldn’t be fair to mention that if you are on a special diet or exercising regularly or simply taking care of your figure, you can enjoy the broccoli tortilla as a light lunch or even a dinner.

Qualities of broccoli as an ingredient:

  • It is made up of a lot of water.
  • Contains vitamins A, B and C.
  • It is also rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iodine, calcium or zinc, among others.
  • It doesn’t contain many calories.
  • Its fiber content is ideal for promoting good and quick digestion.

So don’t think too much and get your hands dirty to prepare this delicious and healthy broccoli tortilla recipe. Follow all the steps we are about to show you and try to make it yourself at home.

Steps to Make Broccoli Tortilla

tortilla broccoli

Why broccoli tortilla and not other vegetables?

This question is often asked by those who make this preparation. The correct answer is actually related to looking for nutrition. In fact, in addition to its large amount of water, it has almost no calories.

Furthermore, when combined with other ingredients, it does not change their flavor. That is, you can salt and season it, but that won’t affect the taste of the garlic, pepper, or any other seasoning you plan on using. It is ideal for camouflaging children’s meals if they refuse to eat vegetables.

Broccoli tortilla recipe


  • 6 cups of water (1.5 liters)
  • 1 cup of broccoli (190 g)
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 chopped onion (about 100 g)
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • 2 chopped garlic cloves
  • 1 tablespoon of cumin powder (15 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil (45 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of curry powder (15 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (15 g)


Broccoli and its nutrients
  1. First, heat the water in a large pot and, when it boils, add the cups of broccoli.
  2. Afterwards, lower the heat to medium intensity, add salt to taste and cover. Let it cook for 4 minutes.
  3. After the indicated time, drain the water and chop the broccoli.
  4. In a bowl, break the eggs, beat them and add an extra touch of salt.
  5. Sauté the garlic and onion, previously chopped, in a frying pan with oil, until golden brown and giving off aroma.
  6. When you notice that the onion is translucent, add the broccoli and stir for 1 minute.
  7. Add the braised broccoli, garlic and onion to the bowl with beaten eggs and season with curry and cumin.
  8. Pour the tablespoons of oil into another pan and wait for it to heat up.
  9. To finish, add the broccoli tortilla mixture to the pan and let it cook on one side. Then, with a spatula, turn it over and do the same on the other side.
  10. When it’s ready, remove it and you can enjoy this simple and nutritious recipe.

In short …

You can take advantage of the nutritional quality of broccoli to make healthy recipes like this tortilla. Its consumption will provide the body with important amounts of proteins, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients for your health.

So, are you excited to prepare this delicious and nutritious delicacy? And stay with us because we have more recipes that you’re sure to love!

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