Black Pepper, Fantastic For Your Health

Its seeds have been used for centuries as a condiment and in folk medicine, in the preparation of poultices, ointments and creams for the treatment of various health problems.
Black pepper, fantastic for your health

Do you know the amazing properties of black pepper, also called black pepper?

We are gifted by nature with an incredible variety of spices, products that not only give spectacular flavors to dishes but also contain components that are extremely beneficial to our bodies.

Thus, in the case of black pepper, it is a formidable ingredient for seasoning dishes and, furthermore, reducing the use of salt in them.

Black pepper gives food that spicy and aromatic taste, so characteristic, but it also has health benefits by acting as a natural stimulant of gastric secretions. In this way, it favors the digestive processes that take place in the stomach.

But, this is not the only favorable point for our body, the benefits of this spice are amazing and the best part is that the discoveries about it continue.

Black pepper benefits

black pepper benefits

Below, we share some of its interesting properties:

  • Black pepper has antioxidants, which help fight cancer, liver problems and cardiovascular disease.
  • It helps to eliminate fat and therefore to lose weight.
  • Relieves symptoms of colds and respiratory processes.
  • The skin benefits from the piperine present in pepper, which helps to create pigment.
  • Pepper is a powerful antibacterial element that helps our body fight infections of all kinds.
  • Effectively prevents fluid retention , favoring its elimination through sweat and urine.
  • It is also possible to prepare a (mild) tea based on black pepper and consume it as a home remedy for coughs.
  • It contains an essential oil, which can be used externally to relieve pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis. It has a warming effect and a mild analgesic action.

Other interesting data

Black pepper comes in various forms: whole grain, ground grain and powder. What is responsible for the pepper’s potential is the piperine and when the pepper is ground large, part of that component is lost. Therefore, it is best to always buy and use grains, that is, as natural as possible.

In addition, when we buy the whole pepper, we make sure that it does not contain additives, which tend to add when the pepper is powdered.

To guarantee a pure pepper, it is recommended to choose the beans that are round, heavy and compact in appearance. It is also necessary to store these beans at room temperature. However, if you prefer to use it ground, we recommend storing it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Black pepper is ideal for preparing home remedies

Another detail to take into account is that, if we grind the pepper just before consuming it, we will be able to make better use of the piperine.

Still, remember that it is not recommended to add it to food during cooking, the high temperature causes the pepper to lose much of its aroma, flavor and vitamin C content.

It is obvious that black pepper is a highly appreciated spice in the kitchen. Furthermore, it has many more favorable properties for our health.

In short, it can help us avoid illness and improve our immune system defenses.

Image provided by thanunkorn –

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