Benefits Of Lemon Honey For Health, Hair And Skin

Honey and lemon together represent a combination capable of contributing to improvements not only for our body, but also for our physical appearance – hair and skin.

First of all, it should be said that these are two ingredients widely used around the world thanks to their variability and the properties they both have.  Therefore, in this article, we are going to introduce uses of honey with lemon.

They are very easy to acquire, so most people have them in their pantry. That’s because they can be used at any time.

Although each of them can be used for different purposes, the two ingredients together can enhance their antioxidant, antibacterial and all of its nutrients.

If you happen to have these ingredients at home and still don’t know how to use them together, don’t despair.

After all, here we present 8 benefits of lemon honey for both health and beauty.

Reduce Abdominal Fat and Fight Obesity

Lemons are low in calories and their high antioxidant content helps break down fat cells. On the other hand, honey is fat-free, it provides the body with energy to improve physical performance and, in addition, its sugar is easy to digest.

What should be done?

Mix one 7.5g of honey with 3 scoops of lemon juice (45ml) and dilute in 200ml of warm water. Therefore, consume this drink on an empty stomach every day to enjoy its benefits.

Combat different airway problems

Fight different airway problems with lemon honey

Lemon juice and honey can fight bacteria and microorganisms that cause the flu, colds, asthma, sore throat and many other airway problems. Therefore, these two ingredients make an excellent syrup to effectively combat these health problems.

What should be done?

Mix a teaspoon of honey (7.5 g) with two tablespoons of lemon juice (30 ml) and then dilute them in a glass of warm water (200 ml). Drink this mixture several times a day to make the most of its effects.

Honey with lemon helps treat colds and flu

While the above remedy can be used to fight various flu and cold symptoms, this natural remedy is another good option for reducing them and killing viruses.

What should be done?

Boil a liter of water and add two slices of ginger. Then add three tablespoons of lemon juice (45 ml) and three tablespoons of honey (75 g). Drink this mixture three to four times a day.

Cleanse the digestive tract

Purify the digestive tract with lemon honey

Lemon and honey are a good remedy to regulate the body’s pH, eliminate acidity and receive important nutrients, such as vitamin C, riboflavin and vitamin B, for example. This combination is also good for clearing the blood and liver, as well as treating stomach disorders such as acid reflux and ulcers.

What should be done?

Prepare a tonic with two tablespoons of lemon juice (30 ml), a spoon of honey (25 g) and a glass of warm water (200 ml). Dilute all ingredients well and drink it preferably on an empty stomach.

Treating wounds and insect bites

Both have antiseptic properties that can act positively on smaller wounds, preventing infections and eventually speeding up their recovery. Honey can kill microorganisms, while lemon prevents bacteria from proliferating.

What should be done?

Drinking lemon and honey tonic can help with wounds or infection. We can also apply a mixture of both ingredients directly to the skin to enjoy their benefits topically.

lighten the skin

Honey with lemon can lighten the skin

Mixing honey with lemon can restore the skin’s light tone, thus leaving it silky, smooth and radiant.

What should be done?

Make a mixture of equal parts of the ingredients and apply it to the skin of the face, leaving it to act for 20 minutes.

This treatment should be applied at night, as it can have unfavorable effects if there is immediate exposure to the sun.

Discover some homemade creams to reduce skin blemishes.

Help eliminate excess skin oils and blackheads

A mask based on this mixture is also useful in treating blackheads and excess skin oils. That’s because both contain anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that penetrate deep into the skin to eliminate impurities.

What should be done?

Cut a lemon in two, smear one of the halves with bee honey, then rub all over the face. Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse your face thoroughly.

Clean and oil-free hair

The mixture of honey and lemon deeply cleanses the hair, smoothing and eliminating excess oil, providing a healthier and more beautiful appearance.

What should be done?

In a container, mix 4 tablespoons of honey (100 g) with the juice of two lemons. Apply the mixture all over the scalp and hair, then leave for 30 minutes. Finally, rinse with your usual shampoo.

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