An Emotionally Ill Person Needs Hope

An emotionally ill person is not able to come out of their hole of negativity, so we must reach out to them so they know they can count on us to help them.
An emotionally sick person needs hope

An emotionally ill person may suffer from depression, anxiety, or be in an inner grief that they cannot get out of. She is not well and hopelessness is already part of her daily life.

Therefore, our duty is to provide you with the greatest possible hope.

When we’re down, it seems like we’re never going to leave that state. We complain, we feel victims of circumstances and we hope or pray that everything will pass and go back to being the same. However,  in emotional matters, it’s not that easy.

The impossibility of seeing beyond

man facing emotional problems

When a person is emotionally affected, he finds that  his emotions do everything possible to make him fall apart. This is because the emotions we consider negative take the first place and leave no room for the positive ones.

  • That’s why, no matter how much we tell an emotionally ill person that things are going to get better, or that this is just a phase, it won’t help.
  • She will be unable to see beyond her own pain. Because, besides, emotional pain is much worse than physical pain.

Emotional pain takes away your desire, your motivation, and sometimes even your own self-esteem. You can close yourself off, isolate yourself and stay away from others.

Negative emotions end up “covering” you in such a way that there doesn’t seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel.

However, negative emotions aren’t the only ones that can bring you down: the people around you, even if they don’t mean to, can too. Unfortunately, society has educated us to reject the good and embrace the evil.

Let’s go deeper into this subject.

An emotionally sick person doesn’t need compassion

woman comforting her friend

The society we live in has taught us to  reject anyone who says  “everything is going wonderfully”,  considering them to be cocky. However, we gladly accept whoever tells us  “I’m not doing very well”, “everything is the same”  or  “could be better”.

  • The reason we better accept those who tell us things aren’t going well is because then we won’t feel bad.
  • We can then feel compassion and pity for the other person, so that we can say  “For me things are not so bad”We are comparing…

However,  what an emotionally ill person needs the least is compassion  or pity. She needs hope. But, in fact, he only hears phrases like  “you will see that everything will get better”  or  “it seems that this is a disease that affects many people nowadays”.

Where is that helping hand that holds tight and won’t let go? At what point did people forget to listen to others to listen only to themselves? Why not laugh, make jokes and try to cheer this person up? Why feel sorry?

All of this will only aggravate your pain…

How to help an emotionally ill person

man doing therapy

The best way to help an emotionally ill person is to listen to what they have to say. We don’t need to tell you any of the aforementioned phrases that will interrupt your speech.

Let her breathe, just be by her side, following and listening.

Never get angry or lose your temper. Sometimes when someone suffers from depression, we don’t understand their emotional ups and downs and tend to get into arguments or point out blames that will only make the situation worse.

While it may seem like an emotionally ill person wants to upset, a  “how are you today?”  Or  “do you need anything?”  you will be very welcome, but the answer is always  “no” .

This will let the person know that you are by their side, that they are not alone and that you care about them.

An emotionally ill person must go through this situation alone. Although we can be by your side, it is not our responsibility to take part of your pain to resolve it. We have to understand and make her feel supported.

Here are some ways to give you hope. Subtle ways in which we  seem to be doing nothing, but in reality we are doing a lot.

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