Amazing Properties Of Bananas For Our Health

Although bananas offer us a lot of energy when consumed during the day, we should not eat them at night, as we would not burn them and we could gain weight.
Amazing properties of bananas for our health

Banana is a delicious, nutritious, satiating and ideal fruit to consume at certain times of the day, but it is also recommended to know which foods we can combine it with.

In this article, we will explain what its properties are, how it contributes to our health and why we should not abuse its consumption.

We’ll also teach you the best way to consume it in a way that doesn’t get fat and helps us lose weight.

Nutritional values

A 100 gram banana contains approximately 100 calories, 1 gram of protein, 25 grams of carbohydrate and less than 1 gram of fat.

In addition to also containing three grams of fiber, bananas are rich in vitamin B6 and folic acid, minerals such as magnesium and potassium.  


Banana is rich in starch

Although banana is a fruit, its nutritional values ​​make it a starchy food category such as potatoes, cereals, flour, and peanuts among others.

This element is essential to know the time or moment we can consume it and which foods we can combine it with.

When can we eat the banana?

Starches have fundamental characteristics that favor our organism to have energy, but its digestion is also slow. For this reason, it is not recommended to consume it at night, because, in this case, it would make you fat.

It is important to consume light and easily digestible foods at night. Therefore, we recommend consuming starches in the morning, as they are excellent sources of energy for the whole day.

We can also mention other ideal times to consume bananas, for example, in the middle of the morning or in the afternoon, just when we are hungry.

When we feel that desire to eat something in the afternoon, but that does not make us fat, we can consume bananas, because it satisfies easily without having to eat foods that contain refined sugar, fat or that are less healthy as industrialized ones.

Plus, it’s easy to take wherever we go and easy to eat. Remember: we do not recommend eating more than one banana a day due to its full nutritional value.


Banana consumption usually contributes the following properties to our body:

  • Lowers cholesterol levels;
  • Regulates intestinal problems;
  • Reduces muscle cramps;
  • Provides energy to our body efficiently and quickly; excellent for children and people who play sports and in cases such as exhaustion, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia;
  • Regulates our nervous system and helps relieve symptoms of anxiety, irritability and others;
  • Helps in the treatment of anemia;
  • Decreases high blood pressure;
  • Reduces the risk of heart attacks;
  • Thanks to its alkalizing properties, it acts as a natural antacid;
  • Reduces morning nausea and vomiting;
  • An ideal food for ulcer treatments;
  • Helps relieve menstruation pain;
  • It helps as a good complement in the treatment to quit smoking;
  • It is an essential fruit for pregnant women, as it reduces nausea, regulates the bowel, provides energy without getting fat and contains folic acid.

How to consume it?

We recommend that you eat the ripe banana, this way it will make your digestion easier. We can also consume it in a number of ways.

Provides a creamy and sweet texture in vitamins. For this reason, we can include it with other foods that are not very pleasant on the palate, but which are beneficial to health, such as some green leafy vegetables, brewer’s yeast and vegetable drinks.

Another original and light way is to make banana ice cream. The recipe is simple: just remove the peel of the banana and place it in the fridge to freeze.

When well frozen, place it in a blender and blend with your favorite yogurt.

We have three consumption options: the first is that you can consume it directly after blending it in a blender, or put the blend in a container to put it back in the refrigerator and eat it like ice cream.

Another good recommendation is to serve it with a dessert; to do this, just add melted chocolate to the banana ice cream. You will be able to serve a delicious and attractive dessert.

Banana provides natural sugar in the preparation of biscuits in addition to giving more consistency to the food that is prepared with it. We can bake it in the oven and add cinnamon. A delight!

We can also mash it with the help of a fork and get a paste and add powdered chocolate.

We got a healthy banana cream with chocolate, without the need to add dairy products. Try it!

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