A New And Effective Migraine Treatment Is Discovered

The DAO enzyme is in charge of synthesizing and eliminating histamine, which causes migraine. The deficit of this enzyme has a hereditary component.

The percentage of the population that suffers from migraine is very high. The data tells us that women are the ones who mostly suffer from it. Discover a new and effective treatment for migraine.

This is a clear reality that leads scientists to seek, every year, new advances and treatments in order to palliate and, who knows, eliminate the terrible suffering caused by migraine.

According to a recent study by the Spanish Society of Deficit of Dao and the Hospital General de Catalunya, migraine is basically due to a deficit of a specific enzyme.

A simple component that can be administered naturally before meals, thus eliminating this disease once and for all. If you want to know more about this discovery, don’t miss the information in this article.

Migraine and the DAO enzyme

Migraine is related to intolerance to histamine, present in citrus and dairy foods.

The results of this study were presented at the last International Congress of Pharmacy, held in Barcelona. A perfect milestone that showed the direct relationship between the DAO enzyme and migraine.

According to lead investigator Joan Izquierdo Casas, all migraine patients have a large deficit of this enzyme.

The study, which lasted a year and a half, was evaluated by many organizations and used more than a hundred patients with severe chronic migraine, who had between 9 and 14 episodes per month.

Following, furthermore, the proportion by gender who, in general, have migraine attacks: 81% of women and 19% of men.

For the effectiveness of the study, the double-blind technique was used, that is, neither the physicians nor the patients knew in which groups the enzyme was administered and which groups received a placebo, with the conclusive results already mentioned above: migraine it is related to a deficit of the DAO enzyme.

What’s more, the hereditary component is also present in some way, as this particular lack is passed on from parent to offspring.

How does the DAO enzyme work?

This enzyme is in charge of degrading and synthesizing a molecule called histamine – present in many foods, but always to a greater degree in critics and dairy products.

Once histamine is destroyed, it is eliminated through the urine.

But, what actually happens to people who suffer from migraines? Because they don’t have an adequate amount of the DAO enzyme, they are unable to destroy histamine.

Thus, this molecule tends to accumulate in our blood plasma, causing both migraine and other gastrointestinal problems.

What is the treatment?

The treatment is very simple, just take one DAO enzyme capsule before main meals. It has to be before meals because this allows it to fulfill its digestive function.

That is, to eliminate and synthesize histamine, present in many of the foods we eat.

In addition, experts indicate that this enzyme does not cause addictions or adverse effects, since it is a food, a basic complement for digestion. That simple.

How does she act?

The ingestion of the exogenous DAO enzyme allows us to re-establish the metabolism of histamine, preventing it from accumulating in the small intestine, which is the place where it usually must be eliminated after having fulfilled its digestive functions.

By taking these capsules, we will prevent the unnecessary accumulation of histamine and also prevent it from entering our bloodstream causing migraines and digestive problems.

How should I take it?

You can take one or two capsules with a little water, twenty or thirty minutes before meals. Doses are the same for all adults and are indicated on the product.

Obtaining them depends on your city of origin, you can find them in natural food stores or pharmacies. It is, essentially, a basic food supplement to make digestion and eliminate histamine.

Special indications

  • Contains no lactose or fructose.
  • It is suitable for people with diabetes.
  • It is not a medicine, it is a natural treatment and therefore has no side or adverse effects.

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