Ideas That Will Make Your Home Cozier

Make small changes to your home to make your home more welcoming and friendly for you and your guests. Discover these ideas!
Ideas that will make your home cozier

Would you like to have a cozier home? So don’t miss the ideas we’ll share with you. You will see that, with few variations and a low investment, it is possible to transform your home into what you always dreamed of. Keep reading!

Ideas for creating a cozier home

Having a cozy house does not depend on monetary investment, but on the care of details. Therefore, there are small variations that you can make at home to create a more pleasant and friendly feeling for those who visit you. Let’s look at some ideas below:

1. Take care of the lighting

Bright living room: cozy house

Choosing the right lights for your home is essential for people who visit you to feel welcome. Think for a second: how does it feel to enter a dark and gloomy floor?

Certainly, the emotions that a place like this arouse are opposed to those generated by an open space, with natural light or lamps that warmly illuminate the rooms, for example.

The lights in your house say a lot about you. So choose warm light bulbs and don’t hesitate to put some reading light next to one of your armchairs. Lights aimed at specific sectors that you want to highlight, such as a painting, for example, also help to create a cozier home.

Another idea? Dimmable lights ​​that let you choose the intensity you want can be another great option for warming up a room. Also, there is this option for ceiling and floor lights. Of course, you can also create your own lamps using glass jars. Original and fun!

2. Add personal details for a cozier home

Frames and photos help personalize your home and often attract the attention of visitors! So choose your best photos and display them for everyone to see.

It will also be a good way to remember all the good things you have in life. Also, we recommend decorating the frames to your liking to give them a more personal style.

3. Decorate with plants

indoor plants

Indoor plants help you to color the house. There is a wide variety, even some that hardly need water or care and are ideal if you are not good at gardening (or think you are not). So think about it: a plant can light up a corner of the room or decorate a high table.

4. Play with the curtains

Choose the most suitable curtains for your home. It is generally considered that curtains should let in some light, at least in shared rooms. So, what would you think of opting for patterned curtains? Curtains give you a lot of slack and allow you to give your home a completely different feel.

If you know how to paint, you can customize the curtains yourself with fabric paint and some pattern that you draw freehand or download from the internet. In addition, it is not necessary for the curtain to be full of prints, a few small details can be enough to change the appearance of the room.

5. Decorate with candles


We’ve already talked about the importance of lighting and candles could not be missing among our ideas! They not only help to light up a room in a different way, giving it an intimate style, but they can also help you flavor it to your liking.

6. A cozier house with rugs

Rugs may be what you need to get a cozier home. Walking on a rug in winter is a delight! It is not necessary to have rugs throughout the house, in fact you can only use small rugs in specific places, for example, in front of the armchair.

7. Use of wood

Wooden furniture

There should be no other material that generates as much heat as wood. You can use it in addition to furniture, walls or accessories in your home. For example, you can create centerpieces out of wood.

8. Keeping order: base of a cozier home

An orderly home looks balanced and invites you to relax, while clutter can increase stress levels. So follow Marie Kondo’s advice and keep your house under control!

9. Choose rounded chairs and armchairs

Good furniture distribution

It may seem unimportant, but the rounded edges invite rest and relaxation. If you have wooden chairs with angular finishes, you can put pretty cushions on them and you’re done!

10. Pillows and blankets

Cushions and blankets are great ways to breathe new life into your chair. And the best? You can make them using fabrics from clothes you no longer wear. The patchwork technique is one of the latest trends, it’s also easy to do and looks great!

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