10 Amazing Ideas For Taking Advantage Of A Lemon

Both the skin and the lemon peel can have multiple uses and applications both internally and externally and in terms of physical or mental health.

A lemon is a medicinal remedy that should always be in our homes,  not only as a food, but also as a remedy and solution to many daily problems.

In this article we’ll talk about 10 amazing, inexpensive and effective ideas for taking advantage of a lemon. Check out!

1. A very cheap clearance


Lemon is a food with important purifying properties, that is, it helps us to eliminate the toxins that accumulate in the body and that, in the long run, can cause us inconveniences and chronic diseases.

Drinking lemon water every day, especially on an empty stomach, is the best way to clean ourselves from the inside and prevent problems such as constipation, acidity, kidney stones, high blood pressure, etc.

2. Seasoning against anemia

People who often suffer from anemia should know that  the vitamin C that this fruit contains helps us assimilate the iron present in food much better .

For this reason, we should get used to always seasoning food with a dash of lemon juice.

3. Remedy against stains

It is a powerful whitener that helps us  to prevent and eliminate skin blemishes, as well as whiten it in areas that may darken over time, such as underarms or nails.

4. House cleaner

Run out of a cleaning product or do you want more natural alternatives to clean your house? This citrus is one of the most effective products we have, along with vinegar and baking soda.

This fruit is a potent remedy against fat that  eliminates bacteria and germs permanently, absorbs bad odors and revitalizes the tones of clothes if used in the washing machine together with other common products.

5. Enjoy the lemon peel

Do you have organic lemons at your fingertips?

If you have the security to use them knowing that pesticides were not used during their cultivation, you should know that you can also use the bark, which is  much richer in nutrients than the pulp.

We recommend grating the husk and freezing it. This way, you can always add it to all kinds of sauces, vinaigrettes or cakes that you want to give a special touch.

6. Lemon Cubes

If it’s hard for you to drink water or you like to add a little acid to your drinks, you  can make lemon juice cubes instead of water. That way you’ll always have them ready for your juices, drinks, infusions, etc.

To make them even more original, you can add something inside, like fresh mint leaves, blueberries or a little bit of skin.

7. Natural antidepressant

Lemon, like all citrus fruits,  has antidepressant properties that help improve mood and prevent states of sadness, discouragement and nostalgia.

For that reason, we recommend that you surround yourself with lemons at home. Place them within easy reach, in fruit bowls, make lemonades and perfume the house with the lemon peel.

8. Curative gargles

When the throat starts to feel sore or sore, or if we are aphonic, lemon is one of the best remedies for making curative gargles.

Just squeeze a little lemon juice into warm or hot water and, if you like, add other beneficial ingredients such as propolis, plantain or bee honey.

These gargles are very effective if we repeat them several times a day.

9. Goodbye to migraine

There is an ancient remedy to relieve a migraine attack which is to cut a lemon in half and place each of the two parts on the wrists for 10 minutes.

We can help each other with some tape so they don’t slip and fall.

The healing properties of this fruit will reach the bloodstream through the pores of the skin.

10. Immediate antiseptic

If you need an antiseptic for a wound or to disinfect, you can use lemon juice.

For some delicate areas of the body, it is recommended that you dilute it with water so that it does not burn.

It is an immediate and very inexpensive solution that we can use in any area that we urgently need to disinfect.

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