5 Natural Solutions For Ingrown Nails

To alleviate the pain caused by ingrown nails and prevent the condition from getting worse, it is very important to use medicines that help us to disinfect the region and favor the extraction of the nail.
5 natural solutions for ingrown nails

Ingrown nails are a painful problem that recurrently affects many people. With great impotence, many resign themselves to constant visits to the podiatrist to prevent it from getting worse.

In this article we share the top 5 natural solutions to alleviate the pain and inflammation that ingrown nails cause. These home remedies will allow us to better overcome this disorder and prevent it from reappearing.

What are ingrown nails?

Ingrown toenail infection in the big toe

When a portion of the toenail grows incorrectly, it can become embedded in the skin. In this way, the nails become ingrown and cause redness, swelling and pain and, in some cases, they also become infected. Most of the time this problem occurs in the big toes.

The problem with ingrown nails is that they tend to happen every time a nail grows. However, it can also be something punctual for having the wrong cut (too rounded, for example). Other factors also play a role, such as shoes, foot injuries or poor hygiene.

There are different medical treatments for ingrown nails. However, the important thing is that the chosen method does not damage the nail or imply a recurrence of the problem or side effects to health.

natural treatment

We have different natural solutions at our fingertips to reduce the pain and inflammation that ingrown nails cause. These remedies have the great advantage that they are easy to obtain and apply, and do not pose any health risks. However, they must be accompanied by adequate medical treatment.

To achieve effective results we must use foods and medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. In addition, we will also need medicines that will help us to prevent possible infections.

Person undergoing treatment for ingrown nails

Homemade solutions for ingrown nails

Below are the best homemade solutions to relieve ingrown nails:

1. Manuka honey

Although any type of honey can be beneficial for this treatment, manuka honey stands out for having a very potent healing effect.

What to do?

  • Applying honey to the ingrown nail reduces inflammation, prevents infection and softens the skin to facilitate nail extraction.

2. Garlic

One of the most common home remedies for this problem is garlic. This superfood acts as a natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory.

What to do?

  • All we have to do is put a piece of garlic clove on the ingrown nail and let it work overnight.

3. Lemon

Lemon is a great natural disinfectant that also reduces the swelling that ingrown nails cause.

What to do?

  • We can cut a lemon in half, make a hole in the center of it, and send the finger in with the nail stuck inside.
  • Let the lemon act in place for half an hour.
Lemon serves as a treatment for ingrown nails

4. Epsom salts

These mineral salts based on magnesium sulfate have a calming and disinfecting effect on our feet.

What to do?

  • With them we can prepare hot water baths that will be very pleasant and effective.
  • In addition, we can also use these salts to make complete relaxing baths for the whole body.

See also: Home remedies for nail fungus

5. Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a remedy for almost everything. Thanks to its content of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and acids, it can also be a treatment to soften and disinfect the skin of ingrown nails.

What to do?

Bathe your feet or moisten a cotton ball and apply it to the affected part.

watch the shoe

If we are used to suffering from this painful problem frequently, we should redesign some habits that can influence it.

One of them is the shoe, especially for women. Shoes that are too narrow or with high heels promote poor toe formation and ingrown toenails.

Nowadays there are very beautiful and feminine shoes that respect the natural shape of the toes. Anatomic soles adapted to the curvature of the plant and a suitable width in the front will be very beneficial for our feet.

As a conclusion, we should always look for a podiatrist in case of ingrown toenails. Especially if we suffer from them frequently and they usually get infected.

However, we recommend using home remedies to relieve symptoms in a natural way. We also shouldn’t forget to start wearing a more suitable shoe.

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