How To Fight Indigestion And Abdominal Bloating?

Indigestion and abdominal bloating are digestive disorders that can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and general malaise.
How to fight indigestion and abdominal bloating?

Indigestion and abdominal bloating is a digestive disorder that can lead to abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and general malaise. Indigestion is usually caused by heavy, fatty, and large amounts of food. It can also arise due to alcohol consumption, air trapped in the digestive tract, acidic foods, etc.

One of the most common symptoms of indigestion is abdominal bloating. In general, this problem is due to trapped air in the digestive tract, which lodges after eating too fast, drinking fizzy drinks, or talking while chewing.

As a result, we feel the abdomen doubles in size. Suddenly, we feel that we are going to “explode” and that the clothing is too tight on the body.

Treating the problem of indigestion and bloating is a simple thing we can all do through our eating habits.

Tips to prevent indigestion and abdominal bloating

  • Eat slowly and without interruption : it is necessary to take a long time to eat, chew well and without interruption, to avoid inhaling air while eating, as this is a major cause of bloating. Also, chewed food will facilitate the digestion function.
  • Avoid the consumption of fizzy drinks : if you are a person who consumes sodas or sparkling water, it is time to eliminate this habit from your diet; alternatively, choose to consume water with lemon, plain water, natural juices or tea.
  • Identify which vegetables are sensitive to your digestion : many people are sensitive to the consumption of certain vegetables such as cauliflower, cucumber, zucchini, pepper, cabbage, etc. If you experience indigestion and abdominal bloating when consuming these foods, it is best to moderate your consumption more and replace them with other vegetables.
  • Identify if you have problems with lactose : being sensitive to dairy products is very common among people; this food is often very difficult to digest and, in addition to causing bloating, it can also produce diarrhea, vomiting and nausea.
  • Suspend high-fat meals : avoid fried foods, fast food , excess eggs, butters and vegetable oils.

5 natural treatments for indigestion and abdominal bloating

If you suffer from indigestion and abdominal bloating, there are some home treatments that will help you to fight this problem quickly, naturally and economically.

Below are 5 natural treatments you can apply to alleviate this problem.

Cinnamon tea

Cinnamon 11

Cinnamon and its properties are very effective in aiding in the digestion process, helping to reduce cramping and bloating caused by poor digestion.

To do this, simply prepare a cinnamon tea using half a spoonful of powdered cinnamon to a cup of boiling water. Let it sit for a few minutes and then drink slowly.

Orange juice

Oranges can become your great ally for those moments when eating “heavier” food is unavoidable.

Before consuming fatty or heavy foods, eat an orange or drink a glass of juice from this fruit; orange will help to increase your stomach acid and improve your digestion capacity.

Sodium bicarbonate


Feeling a heavy and bloated stomach is a symptom that some food did not “go well” and caused indigestion. To alleviate this there is nothing better than baking soda; its components will help fight stomach acidity and eliminate air trapped in the digestive tract.

To do this, just prepare a homemade antacid using half a spoon of baking soda to half a glass of water. If you want, you can add a little lemon and drink it right away.

Ginger tea

Ginger helps to stimulate digestive juices and improves the flow of enzymes, thus helping you to prevent and soothe bloating, cramps, gas and pain due to indigestion, especially when we eat “heavy” food.

To prepare this ginger tea, just add a few pieces of ginger to a cup of hot water and let it sit for 2-3 minutes and then consume.

Mint tea

indigestion and abdominal bloating

Mint is very effective in treating all symptoms of indigestion and helping the body to digest food well.

For this, the only thing you need to do is to put some mint leaves in a cup of boiling water, then close and let it rest for 10 minutes before consuming the drink.

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