9 Uses For Banana Peel

Banana peel can help us improve conditions both internally and externally. Just include a small portion in our recipes or apply it directly to the affected area.
9 uses for banana peel

Banana is one of the most consumed fruits in the world. Its high phosphorus content and rich flavor make it the ideal complement to the diet. However, did you know that banana peel can also be useful?

If you’re one of those throwing banana peels in the trash, you might want to reconsider this habit. Like the peel of other fruits, banana peel is rich in vitamin C and fiber.

In fact, the greatest amount of fiber present in a banana is not in its pulp, but in its skin. Below are the best uses for banana peel.

1. Banana peel acts against constipation

Surely you already know that a high consumption of fiber will facilitate digestive transit. But sometimes, daily habits and the pace of life prevent us from having a balanced diet. Therefore, it is not uncommon to suffer from constipation.

Fortunately, banana peel is a very effective remedy. Because it contains a large dose of dietary fiber, it will force your stomach to work properly, according to this study by the Vladimir Ilich Lenin University Provincial Hospital.

Due to the fact that we are not used to consuming banana peels, it can be difficult to do so, especially because of the taste. For ease of consumption, you can make a smoothie in a blender and add a piece of the skin.

2. Lowers LDL cholesterol and blood pressure


We already know that LDL cholesterol, also known as bad cholesterol, affects our veins and arteries. Therefore, a diet low in salt and high in phosphorus is ideal for keeping you under control.

Many people choose to consume bananas to improve or level their LDL cholesterol, but did you know that most of the phosphorus present in bananas is in its peel?

As with LDL cholesterol, the phosphorus in banana peel also significantly reduces high blood pressure levels, according to this Ain Shams University study.

So, you already know, add a piece of banana peel to your diet and kiss your hypertension problems goodbye.

3. Eliminates headache

Although the reasons have not been identified, it is known that banana peel is able to eliminate the headache. Simply apply a banana peel to the area where you are experiencing pain and within minutes you will feel more relaxed.

After about 20 minutes the pain will be completely gone. This remedy is great because with it you’ll be able to avoid medications that, after some time of use, may stop working.

4. Improves your mood


You’ve probably heard that bananas are rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that improves our mood. Tryptophan is a chemical that promotes the production of serotonin, as stated in this study by the University of Alicante.

When this hormone is produced at adequate levels, it helps us to feel happier and more excited.

On the other hand, when it is not produced in the correct measure, we can fall into depressive states. So, you already know, try consuming banana peels, which contain more of the same chemicals present in the banana itself.

5. Prevents and eliminates warts


Warts are small bumps that appear on our skin. Some are symptoms of illness, while others arise without an apparent cause. The truth is, many people feel bad about having them.

It is believed that banana peels can eliminate them, but there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

6. Eliminates acne


Did you wake up with a bothersome pimple? Do you need to eliminate it in a short time? Take a piece of banana peel and run it right over the pimple or clove that is bothering you. It is best to do this procedure overnight.

This Mangalore University study ensures that banana peel has antimicrobial properties that may be beneficial in the treatment of certain skin-related conditions.

7. Make your home furniture like new

garden furniture

Wooden furniture is difficult to clean. Sometimes we believe that we only have the option of using chemicals, but we don’t know if they are really environmentally friendly. Forget about these banana peel concerns.

All you need to do is rub the bark on the furniture you want to polish.  Then wipe off the debris with a damp cotton cloth. It is important that this cloth is not damp and that it is free from any type of chemical.

This study by Alexandria University emphasizes its ability to remove oil stains. Likewise, its aforementioned antifungal capability makes it a highly recommended residential alternative.

8. Makes your shoes shine

High-heeled shoes

The same effect that banana peel has on furniture can also be used on your shoes. The procedure is exactly the same: take a piece of banana peel and pass it directly over the shoe you want to clean.

Even if your shoes are slightly battered, you will notice that your appearance will improve a lot. This is because banana peel contains natural oils. Remember to clean with a slightly damp cloth after use to be able to remove any banana residue.

9. Banana peel as a natural repellent

banana peel garden

Do you have problems with insects and pests in your garden? Before using chemicals that can harm your plants, try using banana peel. Again, its antimicrobial ability can help us take care of our garden.

You just need to cut the banana peel into small pieces and bury it under the plants that have the problem, and in a few days you will notice how the pests will disappear completely.

We are certain that these ideas for alternative uses for banana peel will make your life much easier and will be helpful in living more naturally. At the same time, you will be able to enjoy this delicious fruit in its entirety, with everything it has to offer.

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