8 Tips To Keep Your Refrigerator Clean And Organized

Do you want to keep your fridge clean and organized? Take a look at our tricks and start putting them into practice.
8 Tips to Keep Your Refrigerator Clean and Organized

In order to have a clean and tidy fridge, you don’t need to be an experienced Tetris player . The reality is that cleanliness and order are not just about stacking the products perfectly, but also knowing how to distribute them to take advantage of space.

The objective is to be able to store everything in the place where it can be better cooled and air can circulate throughout the interior of the refrigerator.

It is inevitable to overlook the following step: the refrigerator must be turned off, empty and thoroughly cleaned.

For this, use a cloth with water and the cleaning product you prefer. But the most recommended is to opt for a mild soap. A dish detergent can also be used.

However, there are many products intended for this purpose, even though it is not recommended to abuse them so that the food is not impregnated with chemical products.

Distribution is key

After the refrigerator is clean, the first thing you should do is place products that are not so vulnerable to temperature changes in the door.

The reason for this is very simple: at the door, it is much more difficult for the cold to be concentrated, so it is not the most suitable place for products such as milk. On the other hand, it is a good place for jams, sauces, honey, wines and water.

Organized fridge with vegetables

On the top shelf, only dairy products, eggs and sausages are placed. Therefore, you should include: yogurt, milk, cheese, butter, ham, bread and the like.

On the next shelf are the fruits and vegetables we consume most often. You can also use the second shelf to place a container with already cooked food, which will be consumed in the next few days.

In the freezer are meat and fish, as well as ice cream and ice cubes. Only foods that need to be preserved for more than 3 days, properly packaged, are stored here.

We can use some tags to mark the date we freeze a food and when it will expire.

The importance of having a clean and tidy refrigerator

Although it seems like an irrelevant question, it is necessary to know how to organize the products and food in the fridge. This will allow us to store everything in the best possible way and, of course, will avoid saturating the shelves with randomly placed items. This is the most important part of having a clean and tidy refrigerator.

Tricks for easy maintenance

woman keeping the fridge clean
  • Place a layer of absorbent paper towels or aluminum over the place where you are going to put the vegetables. This way, the pieces of bark, leaves and debris of earth will not stick to the drawer or shelf of the refrigerator. This will make cleaning easier, but the paper must be replaced regularly.
  • Be careful that the meat does not leave a trail of blood, as this is one of the main causes of bad odor. Therefore, before putting the meat in its place, we must examine the packaging or container to avoid leakage.
  • It is necessary to use good glass or transparent plastic containers, as these allow us to better visualize the space and make the most of it. For example, the cottage cheese can be placed over yoghurts.
  • Avoid using dishes, salad bowls and pans, as these containers will only take up space. It is preferable to resort to the famous tupperwares .
  • Avoid overloading the shelves because otherwise you won’t be able to see well with what’s in the fridge and what needs to be replenished. Usually, this happens when we finish the fair. Before putting everything in the fridge, assess whether some foods do not need refrigeration, such as canned foods that have not yet been opened.
  • Of course, in order to have a clean and tidy refrigerator, it is necessary to examine the foods and eliminate those that have expired.
  • Use a label on foods that can be confusing, for example, mayonnaise and yogurt sauce.
  • Buy a turntable, which can be a great ally when placing a specific group of products.

We hope these tips are useful and that they can increase the organization of your daily life. Surely your entire family will notice the difference too!

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