8 Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight

In addition to following a proper diet, if we want to lose weight, it is essential that we stay well hydrated and that we do not neglect the necessary hours of sleep.
8 Reasons You Can't Lose Weight

Overweight and obese people are constantly looking for ways to lose weight… both  for their appearance and for their well-being.

In this sense, it is proven that a good diet and a continuous exercise routine are essential to achieve this goal.

However, these are not the only efforts that must be made. There are many other factors that influence weight loss or gain.

This explains why some people cannot reach their ideal weight despite maintaining a healthy and calorie-controlled diet.

If you feel identified with what was mentioned, be sure to know 8 reasons that can explain it.

Discover them!

1. You forget to drink water

lose weight

Most nutritionists recommend consuming 6 to 8 glasses of water a day as a complement to healthy eating.

This valuable fluid is essential for hydrating the body and supporting the functioning of its most important systems.

Its daily consumption helps in detoxification processes and, in turn, helps to control food cravings.

2. You only do cardiovascular exercise

It’s true that cardiovascular exercise has many benefits for those looking to burn fat quickly.

However, limiting your training routine with this variety of activities can become an impediment to achieving your desired weight.

Professional trainers advise combining cardiovascular exercises with strength exercises to achieve better results in less time.

3. You overdo the portions

lose weight

As healthy as the foods you eat are, it’s important to understand that they contain calories. Thus, your excessive consumption can also make you fat.

Dried fruits, olive oil and chocolate are some examples of healthy foods that should be eaten in small portions.

4. You don’t get enough sleep

People who have difficulty getting restful sleep tend to put on weight more easily compared to those who sleep well.

Sleep disorders influence the rate of metabolism and the activity of hunger hormones such as leptin and ghrelin.

Leptin is the one that sends signals to the brain to stop eating. Ghrelin is what stimulates hunger.

People who suffer from insomnia sleep less than adequate, have low levels of leptin and high levels of ghrelin.

This means that they tend to eat more and ultimately their weight is greater than adequate.

To solve this problem, it is recommended to maintain a sleep routine with at least 8 hours of uninterrupted rest.

5. You work sitting all day

lose weight

Modern lifestyle and technology is one of the most common causes of weight loss difficulties.

Having to work for continuous hours in front of the computer or any other device tends to increase sedentary lifestyle considerably.

In order for this not to cause problems with metabolism and weight, it is essential to rest several times a day and, as far as possible, take a short walk or exercise.

6. You have a hormonal problem

Although many ignore it, there are some hormones that influence the activity of metabolism and other vital processes to maintain a balanced weight.

Hormonal disorders such as hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS ) and insulin resistance are some of those that prevent weight loss.

It is essential to consult the doctor about these problems, as they often need control and treatment to mitigate their symptoms.

It is also convenient to improve your diet and measure the number of calories

7. you are stressed

lose weight

Living a lifestyle that is continually subject to stress has a lot to do with the problems of maintaining a healthy weight.

Stress increases levels of a hormone called cortisol, which, in addition to affecting emotional well-being, increases appetite and the tendency to consume more calories.

8. You consume a lot of sugary drinks

Soft drinks  can never replace water and natural juices, as they lack nutrients and contain excess sugar.

Although most consumers are unaware, these drinks do not hydrate the body and contain excess calories.

Did you feel identified? As you’ve just seen, there are many factors that can keep you from achieving a healthy, stable weight.

Try to take all the necessary steps and keep in mind that you should apply them along with your diet and exercise plan.

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