8 Amazing Benefits Of Chia Seeds

Chia seeds help keep the heart healthy and lose weight, among other benefits for the body. Don’t hesitate to include them in your daily diet.
8 amazing benefits of chia seeds

Discover the benefits of chia seeds, a great source of fiber, antioxidants, calcium, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus.

According to the American Nutrition Society, these seeds are beneficial to the body, especially for the following reasons:

  • They contain more potassium than bananas.
  • They have more protein than vegetables.
  • Offer twice as much fiber as oats.
  • They have three times the amount of iron in lentils and spinach.
  • Contain triple antioxidants as blueberries.
  • Offer five times more calcium than milk.

Next we’ll talk about some of the main benefits of chia seeds. Surely they are enough for you to want to include them in your regular diet. Check out!

Main benefits of chia seeds

1. To lose weight

Glass of water with chia

Chia seeds speed up metabolism and help burn fat.

Its combination with water and lemon, in addition to providing a refreshing drink, helps to purify the body and fight constipation.


  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds (5 g)
  • 1 cup of hot water (200 g)
  • 1 lemon (100 g)


  • Divide the water into two glasses and, in one of them, soak the chia seeds.
  • Leave them for at least 40 minutes (you’ll notice the mixture has a denser texture).
  • After 40 minutes, squeeze the lemon and mix the juice with the other glass of water.
  • Mix the two liquids and stir until they are well integrated.
  • For greater effectiveness, take this drink on an empty stomach.

2. Help maintain a healthy heart

Chia seeds are a natural source of omega 3 fatty acids, essential for the correct functioning of the circulatory system and, therefore, of the heart.

  • Help reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • Decrease the risk of chronic inflammatory diseases.
  • Prevent diseases of the nervous system.

3. Offer high amounts of energy

High energy level in the body

By consuming chia seeds you will be giving your body an extra dose of complex carbohydrates, nutrients dedicated to providing long-term energy.

So, if you’ve been feeling sluggish and get tired easily, it would be helpful to add chia seeds to your diet.

If you do some form of exercise or have more active days, the benefits of chia seeds will also help you gain greater endurance.

4. Combat premature skin aging

Because chia seeds are rich in antioxidants, they accelerate skin regeneration while preventing skin damage.

They fight free radicals, and that is why its ingestion is recommended to reduce cell aging and purify the body.

5. Relieves joint pain

joint pain

Because it contains omega 3 fatty acids and is an excellent antioxidant, among the benefits of chia seeds we can also mention the fact that they are able to relieve pain caused by inflammation in the joints.

Furthermore, they stimulate collagen production thanks to their zinc and copper content.

That’s why chia seeds help promote proper joint function and prevent osteoarthritis and arthritis.

6. Increase muscle mass

As they contain a high percentage of fiber, omegas 3, 6 and 9, chia seeds are a recommended food for muscle mass gain.

At the same time, they have a regenerating and repairing effect, useful for intense training.

7. Hydrate the body

beautiful and healthy skin

Chia seeds can absorb between 10 and 12 times their weight in water. This ability makes them able to maintain the balance of electrolytes and prolong the hydration of the body for longer.

8. Improve mood

These seeds are loaded with tryptophan, an essential amino acid for the production of serotonin, popularly known as the happiness hormone.

Therefore, by consuming them we will be regulating sleep, improving mood, fighting depression and alleviating anxiety.

How to enjoy the benefits of chia seeds?

In addition to consuming this food on an empty stomach as explained above, you can ingest the seeds at any time of the day and add them to your favorite dishes.

Combine them with:

  • Yogurt
  • Milk
  • soups
  • salads
  • Cereals
  • cakes and breads

It should be noted that, despite the many benefits of chia seeds, their consumption should not be excessive.

The proper dose is a maximum of two tablespoons daily. With this, you will be preventing possible gastrointestinal problems, arterial problems and imbalances in blood sugar levels.

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