7 Types Of Fish That Can Be Harmful To Health

Fish and seafood are a source of lean protein and high quality fats, such as omega 3 fatty acids. They contain essential vitamins and minerals and, in addition, they are very tasty.
7 types of fish that can be harmful to health

They are good for the skin, circulatory system, brain and heart, benefiting the whole body.

Fish found in nature would almost always be beneficial (except for poisonous ones) if it weren’t for the high level of pollution on our planet.

Thus, some species of fish are contaminated with mercury, petroleum-derived dyes, antibiotics and other harmful compounds.

Learn more about fish that can be harmful to your health in the list below.

Fish that can be harmful to health

1. Red tuna

fish that can be harmful

Red tuna, like all fish and seafood, is a source of important nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids and B-complex vitamins.

But the problem is the high levels of contamination of the seas, rivers and the environment in general with mercury, a chemical that is lethal to our body.

Pregnant women are generally advised not to eat tuna during pregnancy, but the recommendation should be extended to everyone.

When consuming tuna, carefully analyze its origin. Even so, in the USA it is advised not to consume more 170 g of red tuna per week.

2. Panga fish

Grown in Vietnam’s Mekong River, panga is omnivorous and eats everything, including the remains of other fish and dead animals. In recent years, consumption of this fish has grown.

In addition, there was a wave of rumors that panga fish would be unfit for consumption, as it could contain worms and because the Vietnamese river is very polluted.

The truth is that any fish can have worms, not just the panga.

If the fish does not come from a reliable source, has not been cooked or refrigerated to the ideal temperature to eliminate micro-organisms, there are health risks.

But if the animal’s meat has been inspected and approved by ANVISA, there is nothing to worry about.

3. Catfish

fish that can be harmful

The biggest risk of catfish is that it has external spines that can cause intense pain, infections and even necrosis, that is, the death of cell tissue.

Catfish have a few “moustaches” around the mouth and three serrated spines along the body. The whiskers make it also known as catfish.

If you get injured on one of these thorns, you can experience severe pain for up to six hours. If the wound is not treated, it can become infected.

4. Shark

The shark is so scary that it is not found on supermarket shelves, but in some parts of Brazil it can be used to prepare dishes.

In Fernando de Noronha, you can taste shark soup, shark dumplings (in the mold of the cod dumpling) and other delicacies made with this fish.

Some restaurants around the world are serving shark-based dishes, mainly because it is an exotic fish, which attracts attention.

But by consuming this dish, you may be contributing to the illegal fishing of sharks, which is putting the species at risk of extinction.

Also, it is one of the fish that can be harmful to health. That’s because the shark feeds on other smaller fish, which contain significant amounts of mercury.

5. Puffer fish

Puffer fish is known as the deadliest food in the world. This is because it contains a poison called tetrodotoxin, which attacks the nervous system, quickly suffocating human beings.

The substance is mainly concentrated in the liver, ovaries and skin of the adult animal.

But as it is very dangerous, the recommendation is never to prepare puffer fish at home, or in any restaurant that does not have a professional specialized in preparing this fish.

In Japan, there are cooks who specialize in preparing puffer fish, known as fugu and appreciated as a delicious gastronomic extravaganza.

The poison remains active even after cooking. Therefore, the puffer fish really is one of the fish that can be harmful to health if handled incorrectly.

6. Sturgeon caviar

Authentic sturgeon caviar is extracted from fish in the Caspian Sea in Iran.

Currently, however, sturgeon is at risk of extinction and production is at a standstill. Farmers are just trying to help the fish reproduce so that they can recover.

Pollution from oil and cotton plantations has threatened the lives of fish and compromised production, possibly also contaminating caviar.

That’s why sturgeon caviar is on the list of fish that can be harmful to health.

7. Captive-bred salmon

fish that can be harmful

Salmon is a delicious and nutritious fish. It has a beautiful pink tone and a flesh that dissolves in your mouth.

Because it has so many attributes, it is highly sought after. So, to meet the demand, nurseries were created in which these animals grow in captivity.

Salmon is fed with dyes (to make the flesh pink), antibiotics and other chemicals from the oil, posing a serious health risk.

Thus, captive-bred salmon is one of the fish that can be harmful to health.

It is very difficult to find natural salmon for sale in Brazil. Look for their origin, preferring those from Alaska and Russia.

Salmon from Chile, the United States and Northern Europe are likely to be bred in captivity.

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