7 Tricks To Remove Rust With Homemade Ingredients

Although all methods are equally practical to remove rust, depending on the time we have available or how rusty the object is, we can opt for one or another remedy.
7 Tricks to Remove Rust with Homemade Ingredients

It is common for some metal parts to start to rust over time. Its continuous use, exposure to moisture and lack of care cause these objects to deteriorate little by little and reduce their useful life. In this article, we’ll talk about some tricks to remove rust with homemade ingredients.

Generally speaking, oxide or rust is the result of the oxidation that iron undergoes when it comes into contact with water.

This causes significant damage to the part and sometimes there are people who can suffer a series of allergic reactions.

Luckily, it’s not necessary to discard the rusty metal parts, as some tricks allow us to clean them and remove the rust, leaving them as good as new.

First, it’s important to identify the presence of rust on household items, as the faster you get rid of it, the less opportunity it has to spread and corrode the entire piece.

If you experience this problem, try trying out some homemade methods to remove rust before resorting to  commercially available chemicals. Try it! 

1. Baking soda to remove rust


Baking soda is one of the best products for cleaning many of the elements in our home.

Its antimicrobial and abrasive qualities help remove excess oxide while restoring the metal part to its normal state.

How to use it?

  • Moisten some baking soda with water and apply it to objects damaged by oxidation.
  • Scrub it with a toothbrush or even a sponge that won’t scratch the metal part.

2. Apple vinegar

The acids in apple cider vinegar work effectively to remove the rust that builds up on the pieces of iron.

How to use it?

  • Pour apple cider vinegar into a container and be sure to cover the object you want to clean.
  • Soak it in vinegar overnight. The next day, scrub the object with the help of a toothbrush or abrasive sponge.
  • If you notice that the rust remains encrusted, let the object soak for a few more nights.

3. Lemon

lemon to remove rust

Lemon citric acid   and its essential oils serve to remove rust stains that adhere to clothing, doors and other types of surfaces. 

How to use it?

  • Spray a little salt on the area you want to treat and rub a good amount of lemon juice over it.
  • When it comes to clothing, soak it in a bowl with plenty of hot water and slices of fresh lemon.

4. Molasses

Molasses is an extract from sugar cane that is often used to sweeten and make various natural remedies.

How to use it?

  • Dissolve a quarter cup of molasses (85 g) in two liters of water, soak the object overnight and wash it the next day.
  • Repeat the same process if the rust does not disappear with the first application.

5. Raw Potato

raw potato-500x334

The oxalic acid that potatoes contain is a very effective agent for removing rust. Its application on damaged objects or clothing helps to repair them almost immediately.

How to use it?

  • Peel a potato, grate it well and rub it over the affected areas.
  • If you want better results, you can  boost its effects with a little baking soda or vinegar.

6. Fire

Some metallic objects can be subjected to high temperatures without deforming them or causing damage to them.

If this is the case with your rusty elements, try this heating method to restore them.

How to do it?

  • After ensuring that your object has no plastic parts or flammable paints, heat it until it turns almost red.
  • When removing it, hit it with a heavy object or a tool that does not change its shape.
  • Keep your hands protected so you don’t run the risk of getting burns.

7. Aluminum foil

A simple piece of  aluminum foil  can be useful for  removing rust from many iron or steel elements.

How to use it?

  • Cut the aluminum foil into several pieces, about three centimeters square, and soak them in water.
  • Rub the aluminum foil over the rusty iron and change it as needed.
  • From the very first moment you will notice that the rust will be reduced and the object will regain its shine.

As you can see, there is no need to resort to expensive and harmful chemicals to say goodbye to this annoying problem. Try the tricks mentioned here and be more environment friendly.

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