7 Tips To Spend Less Electricity

There are practices that can help us significantly reduce energy consumption and therefore the amount of our electricity bill. In addition, we will contribute to the preservation of the environment.
7 tips to spend less electricity

Whether for budget reasons, to make conscientious use of resources or to save the planet, in this article we will present some recommendations that will help you to spend less on electricity.

Start saving electricity with the following tips. Write down!

Tips to spend less electricity

If your electricity bill arrived and consumption was higher than you expected, pay attention to the following tips.

To spend less on electricity, you just have to take into account certain practices and adopt certain habits.

1. Hire an expert

Hire a good electrician to spend less electricity

While a considerable amount must be spent in advance, it is a long-term investment.

A professional can tell you if there are air leaks in the windows, if heaters or electrical appliances are working properly, or if a device is using more energy than usual. So you can make the appropriate changes.

Read this article: Philosophy guide to save money at home

2. Buy efficient home appliances

Investing in modern electrical appliances that save electricity is also a long-term strategy. Although the device may be more expensive at the time of purchase, it will help lower your electricity bill later.

Pay attention to the energy efficiency label for appliances. The energy efficiency scale includes categories ranging from the letter A, the most efficient, to the letter G, the least efficient.

3. Insulate your doors and windows

I took advantage of the natural light that comes in through the window to use less electricity

It is important that doors and windows are well insulated to prevent loss of heat or cold. Silicone, a little putty, and a few strips padded with glue can be enough to insulate your home. These are not the only methods to do this, but they are the most practical.

You can also add curtains or rugs that help to thermally insulate your home. Also choose the most suitable time to ventilate the house.

4. Correctly use the devices you have at home

The vast majority of monthly electricity expenses come from household appliances. So you can spend less electricity using them more efficiently.

Make sure the refrigerator and freezer doors are closed and watch for ice buildup. In the case of the washing machine, use short programs with cold water or wait until you have enough clothes to fill it, the same with the dishwasher.

When ironing clothes, do not put the iron on as much as possible and unplug it as soon as you have finished using it. As for the oven, when you turn it on, take the opportunity to prepare several meals at the same time.

The “standby mode” of television, audio equipment or computers also represent a great energy expenditure, as they continue to consume electricity even when they are not used.

So the best thing to do when you’re done using them is to press the so-called “red button”. You don’t need to disconnect them.

5. Buy low energy light bulbs

Put energy-saving bulbs to use less electricity

To spend less on electricity, we recommend that you buy energy- saving light bulbs or LED bulbs. They are a little more expensive, but the performance is superior and they have a useful life of more than 10,000 hours, in addition to emitting no heat.

In addition to the type of light you have at home, it’s a good idea to turn off the ones you’re not using. Whenever you leave a room and it is empty, turn off the light. Open windows and curtains to make the most of the sunlight.

Learn: 8 tips for a more sustainable and ecological home

6. Take quick showers

As pleasant and relaxing as it is, a long bath in hot water can significantly increase your electricity bill. Therefore, when taking a shower with hot water, it is best not to take more than 7 minutes.

Also, lower the temperature of the water heater. Although the default average is 60 °C, set it to 40 °C. Regulate the hot water with cold water and you’ll see how you save money on electricity.

7. Do not turn on the air conditioner without being at home

Keeping your house at the ideal temperature is all well and good, but leaving the heater or air conditioner on can greatly increase your electricity bill.

Therefore, only turn on these devices when you get home. Take advantage of new technologies. You can use mobile apps to turn the devices on at the right time or schedule them to run only as long as necessary.

Remember, the best way to start saving on electricity costs is to use it smart. If you make these changes at home for free, you can save a significant amount each year.

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