7 Natural Remedies To Eliminate Head Lice And Nits In A Short Time

Coconut oil is very useful to eliminate this type of pest. Thanks to its antibiotic and antiviral properties, it prevents the appearance of fungi and infections.
7 natural remedies to get rid of head lice and nits in no time

Lice and nits are parasites that feed on people’s blood, and besides being very unpleasant, they also cause discomfort such as a strong itching or small lesions on the scalp. Learn here 7 natural remedies to eliminate head lice and nits.

Children are usually the most affected by this plague, due to the ease of contagion that exists in places such as schools and playgrounds.

Therefore, it is very important that parents keep an eye out, because if they are not detected quickly, they can spread and even affect other family members.

Currently there are many hair treatments and commercial remedies that offer a solution to kill these insects and their eggs.

However, most of these products are loaded with toxic chemicals that can cause skin irritation or be very aggressive to children’s skin.

Fortunately, there are also very effective natural solutions that can help treat this problem without taking any risks, and providing benefits for hair health. Would you like to meet them?

Eucalyptus leaves to eliminate lice and nits

eucalyptus leaves

The penetrating aroma of eucalyptus leaves helps to eliminate them in a short time, as it changes the ideal environment for lice.

How to use it?

Place some eucalyptus leaves in a pan of boiling water and leave it on the fire for about 5 minutes, then rinse.

Set aside for a few minutes and, when it is warm, use the infusion liquid to rinse the head from the hair roots.

Rosemary leaves to eliminate lice and nits

Rosemary is known as one of the best herbs for hair care, as it has properties that strengthen the hair, stop hair loss and help keep it free from pests such as lice and nits.

How to use it?

Get fresh rosemary flowers and keep them in a pot of boiling water for 5 minutes.

Allow to cool for as long as necessary, then use the liquid to wash hair from root to tip.

Apple vinegar to eliminate head lice and nits

Apple vinegar

The acids in apple cider vinegar have enough power to kill lice and dry your eggs.

Keep in mind that if the case is very advanced, it is likely that this remedy is not 100% effective and needs some supplement to obtain fully satisfactory results.

How to use it?

Prepare a mixture with half apple cider vinegar and half water e. then. apply the liquid to all dry hair.

Lavender essence to eliminate lice and nits

Lavender oil has a very pleasant aroma to us, but to lice it is one of the most unpleasant ones there is.

This strong aroma, added to its properties, can help fight these little bugs to eliminate them once and for all.

How to use it?

Purchase lavender essential oil from any natural or herbal store and apply a small amount to the entire scalp.

Coconut oil to eliminate head lice and nits

coconut oil

Another excellent oil for fighting head lice and at the same time nourishing the hair is the popular coconut oil.

This ingredient has antibiotic and antiviral properties that prevent infections and fungus for healthier hair.

How to use it?

Apply some coconut oil all over the scalp, massaging gently.

You can use it as a conditioner, as it smoothes the hair and provides a unique shine to the strands.

Tea tree oil to eliminate lice and nits

This essential oil is characterized by its natural antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal action, which reduces scalp irritation and offers relief from the itching generated by lice bites.

As in the previous cases, its usual use reduces the presence of lice in the hair and, in addition, prevents problems such as dandruff.

How to use it?

The first option is to add 15 or 20 drops of tea tree oil to your regular shampoo.

The other is to apply some of the oil directly to the scalp, gently massaging it with your fingertips.

In both cases the dose should be minimal, as too much could be harmful.

Garlic to eliminate lice and nits

Garlic is an ingredient with high antibiotic and fungicidal power that, in addition to preventing different types of fungi and worms, also has a strong impact on bugs such as lice.

Its high content of sulfur compounds alters the proper environment for these nasty insects to survive and, thanks to that, helps to keep them at bay.

How to use it?

Mash a whole head of garlic and then mix it with half a liter of boiling water.

Let stand for at least two hours. Strain and run the liquid all over your scalp before bed. Cover your head with a hat and leave it on overnight.

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