7 Factors That Can Influence The Onset Of Early Menopause

Although it is sometimes due to factors beyond our control, premature menopause can also be due to unhealthy habits, which we must eliminate to avoid complications.
7 factors that can influence the onset of early menopause

Have you ever heard of early menopause? Menopause is defined as the stage in which a woman no longer has menstrual periods, and is no longer able to become pregnant. It involves a series of hormonal changes that usually occur between 45 and 55 years of age.

However, there are many factors that can disrupt the normal cycle of the female reproductive system. This causes what is known as early menopause.

It is a condition that begins to manifest itself before the age of 40 years. It is characterized by irregularities in menstruation, until it disappears completely.

Due to the change involved, it  is related to an increased risk of suffering from some chronic illnesses, emotional disturbances, and a variety of other symptoms that can reduce the quality of life.

Although it can be caused by a genetic disorder, many cases result from the impact of certain factors on hormone activity.

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Factors That May Increase Your Risk of Early Menopause

1. Smoking

woman smoking

Women who smoke or are exposed to cigarette smoke are more likely to experience early menopause compared to those who are far from the habit.

Cigarettes contain chemical compounds that lead to poor quality eggs and embryos, and an increase in chromosomal abnormalities.

These consequences alter the activity of estrogen and progesterone, which influences the progress of menopause.

2. Thyroid diseases

The thyroid gland is involved in many vital processes in the body. Among these, it should be noted that it is essential for the best use and distribution of hormones.

For this reason, when there is a change, there is a greater risk of suffering from early menopause and reproductive health problems.

Diseases such as hypothyroidism can cause early menopause symptoms such as missed periods, mood swings and hot flashes.

3. Surgical interventions

surgical interventions

Women who undergo certain types of surgical procedures are more likely to enter the menopause stage before normal age.

Removing an ovary or uterus reduces the levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body, speeding up the end of the fertile stage.

Removal of both ovaries causes immediate menopause. Also, it can also be a side effect of cervical cancer surgery , or pelvic surgery.

4. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy

These two treatments used in the fight against cancer may be responsible for the premature onset of menopause.

Although they impede cell growth, they can destroy some healthy cells, causing, in many cases, the premature loss of the ovaries.

5. Consumption of processed meats

Consumption of processed meats

Among the many side effects caused by the consumption of processed meat, it should be noted that it also influences cases of early menopause.

Although its fresh appearance is very attractive, hidden behind it are large amounts of chemicals called nitrates and nitrites, which can cause hormonal outages.

In addition, its intake has been shown to have detrimental effects on metabolic health, which also affects the acceleration of menopause.

6. Autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases are characterized by an abnormality in the production and use of antibodies, which leads to an “auto-attack” of healthy tissues.

Its appearance negatively affects the health of the ovaries and interferes with the activity of estrogen receptors.

This causes a series of problems in women’s reproductive health and often leads to menopause at an early age.

Some conditions of this type are:

  • vitiligo
  • Anemia
  • Lupus
  • Sjogren’s Syndrome
  • chronic hepatitis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

7. Use of cosmetics and hygiene products

woman applying perfume

Many regulators are already working to prevent the use of some harmful components in the manufacture of cosmetic and hygiene products. However, there are still some on the market that contain substances that affect health.

Thus, its constant absorption or inhalation can influence the appearance of thyroid disorders and hormonal diseases.

Shampoos, scented soaps and certain cosmetics contain substances known as phthalates, whose effects cause premature menopause.

These are also found in body fragrances, hair gels, and fabric softeners.

Are you worried about the effects of menopause? While the ideal is for it to occur at normal ages, in many cases it is inevitable that it will occur prematurely.

For this reason, to reduce the risks involved, it is ideal to maintain a healthy lifestyle  and have regular medical examinations.

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