7 Amazing Turmeric Benefits You Should Know

Turmeric has active ingredients with very promising antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in the treatment of various pathologies.
7 Amazing Turmeric Benefits You Should Know

Turmeric is a Hindu spice used since ancient times in gastronomy and alternative medicine due to its incredible benefits. It is characterized by its particular orange color, aroma and flavor. It belongs to the Zingiberaceae family, along with ginger.

It is believed to have been used for the first time in India in 610 BC, a time when it came to be valued as a food coloring. It has since become a staple in the kitchen in many places around the world.

Many call it “the queen of spices” because of its large amount of nutrients and its promising effects on the body. According to data from the Journal of the American Chemical Society , turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities, among others.

As we know that many are unaware of them, below we will review in detail the 7 main benefits of turmeric. Discover them!

7 Amazing Benefits of Turmeric

1. Protect the liver

The Benefits of Turmeric for the Liver

Many of the active ingredients in turmeric help improve liver health. This body’s excretory organ is responsible for eliminating toxins through the production of enzymes that aid in the digestion process.

Actives such as curcumin, caffeic acid and borneol help to increase the enzymatic action to facilitate the decomposition of waste. They also have anti-inflammatory actions that help ensure the proper functioning of this organ, according to a study published in 2019.

2. Strengthens the immune system

Turmeric’s antibacterial and antiviral properties work to support the immune system in the fight against thousands of health-affecting pathogens.

Due to its contribution of a substance called lipopolysaccharide, its inclusion in the diet helps to increase the action of antibodies against foreign agents that attack the body. Ingestion of turmeric can reduce the severity of several types of pneumonia, according to an article published in the journal Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology.

Thanks to these qualities, their inclusion in the diet can help reduce the risk of contracting flu, colds and other types of respiratory and viral illnesses.

3. Favors the digestive function

stomach indigestion

Curcumin, one of the most important active compounds in this spice, stimulates the production of bile by the gallbladder, which is essential for better digestion.

Due to its anti-inflammatory action, it acts as a medicine to help improve intestinal conditions such as ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and parasites. It is recommended as a supplement for the relief of chronic gastritis, dyspepsia and digestive gas.

However, patients with gallbladder disease should not take it as it can worsen their condition.

4. It can prevent and help slow the progression of tumors

Turmeric root has more than 10 active substances that act against cancer cells that form tumors.

The most prominent are:

  • Curcumin.
  • Beta-carotene.
  • Kurdion.
  • Limonene.
  • Curcumenol.

According to an article published in the journal Aging , turmeric may have anti-cancer effects that slow tumor reproduction, thanks to reduced inflammation and an antioxidant effect.

In addition, everything indicates that the intake of small doses helps patients to mitigate the negative effects of drugs used in the treatment of this pathology. However, larger studies in humans are needed to demonstrate these effects and establish a protocol regarding the clinical use of turmeric in this type of pathology.

5. Turmeric can relieve arthritis

relieve arthritis

People with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis have long turned to alternative treatments with this ingredient to reduce pain and inflammation.

Its powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic action acts as a natural pain reliever for the main symptoms of these chronic diseases.

Furthermore, due to its richness of antioxidants, it inhibits the negative impact of free radicals on the body’s cells, which also favors treatment.

6. Helps prevent cholesterol oxidation

Including this spice in meals is very healthy for the cardiovascular system. Its properties favor the reduction of LDL cholesterol oxidation, a lipid substance that accumulates in blood vessels, increasing the risk of obstruction.

7. It can be useful in the treatment of diabetes

Lower risk of diabetes

People diagnosed with type 2 diabetes can benefit from incorporating this ingredient into their eating plan.

Its richness in nutrients and antioxidants serves to optimize the function of insulin in the blood, a key factor in lowering glucose levels.

However, it is essential to consult a doctor before taking it, as its combination with some medications can cause hypoglycemia.

The benefits of turmeric are promising

As you can see, turmeric’s health benefits are amazing. Feel free to incorporate it into your smoothies, salads, soups and many other recipes.

However, it is worth saying that this food does not have miraculous properties and should not replace any pharmacological treatment. In addition, it must be part of a context of healthy lifestyle habits to be able to develop its functions. Larger studies in humans are needed to confirm its possible application in some clinical settings.

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