6 Tricks To Eating Healthily When You Go On A Trip

Planning your food in advance and preparing healthy snacks ​​can be helpful for healthy eating when you go on a trip. The important thing is that you maintain your willpower and avoid temptation.
6 tricks to eating healthily when you go on a trip

To take care of your fitness and health it is important that you try to eat healthily when going on a trip. Although you have the idea of ​​having fun, you should try to maintain a healthy diet, which does not spoil so many efforts that you made at home for a long time.

It’s true that it can be difficult to stick to the diet with so many “temptations” offered by the destination’s restaurants. However, with good planning and a few simple habits, you can eat healthily and without remorse.

Are you thinking about traveling and are you worried about your diet? So be sure to follow the tricks we share below. Try to take a few minutes to think about how to apply them, and keep them in mind at all times as your best allies.

1. Plan your food to eat healthily when you travel

Plan food when you go on a trip

First, in order to eat healthily when you go on a trip, it is essential to plan your eating. If you don’t decide in advance how you want to eat, chances are you’ll end up making poor choices when you arrive at a restaurant. What should you take into account?

First of all you can research how the menus of the hosting place are. If your dishes aren’t as healthy, or if they don’t meet your dietary requirements, you can look for other options. In fact, you might consider looking for an apartment or house with a kitchen.

Now, if you least want to cook on the trip, make sure you order healthy food, for example, with a high amount of vegetables. If you decide to choose a dessert, it should be in moderate quantity, and of the “light” type .

2. Healthy snack

No matter how short or long your trip, homemade snacks shouldn’t be lacking. Although you may not be considering, the times  to hunger strikes at the airport or while traveling. If you don’t have something healthy to eat, you’ll choose fried foods, sweets, or any other snack that’s on hand.

So… How to eat healthily at these times? There are many healthy options that you can carry around with ease. In fact, some snacks you can take in larger quantities, to calm the temptations when you are already at your destination. The most recommended are:

  • Nuts and seeds
  • Vegetables cut into strips
  • Fruits like apples, pears or berries (which don’t spoil easily)
  • Homemade protein bars
  • vegetable sandwiches
  • Wholemeal cookies (sweet and savory)
  • Small glasses of Greek or natural yogurt

3. Eat healthily for breakfast

Eat a healthy breakfast when you go on a trip

Keeping a full and balanced breakfast is the key to healthy eating when you go on a trip. Sometimes, because you are away from home, you forget that eating that first meal of the day is essential. As a result, you feel hungrier over the next few hours, and end up overindulging in calories.

Breakfast is much more than just a cup of coffee and cookies. That’s why you should plan it to meet all your daily requirements, even if you’re traveling. So, when you’re at the restaurant, choose options such as:

  • Eggs
  • Natural yogurt
  • Orange juice
  • vegetable smoothies
  • Whole grain bread
  • Sandwiches
  • Salads with lean meats
  • Avocado preparations
  • Quinoa and brown rice
  • Oatmeal Recipes

4. Eat often

Ideally, you should be able to eat every four or five hours to keep yourself energized and full. If you leave too much time without eating, you ‘ll arrive hungrier for the next meal, and you probably won’t be able to stop ordering the bigger dish.

So, if the trip is too long, or if it includes places without snack bars, try to prepare some healthy snacks in advance​​. By eating them, when hunger strikes between main meals, you will avoid overeating when you arrive at the restaurant.

5. Drink water

Drink water when you go on a trip

Having a full schedule of travel plans can make you forget a very important habit: drinking water several times a day. Although it seems “harmless” not to take it, the dehydration that occurs in your body takes a toll later on.

Also, drinking this and other healthy liquids helps keep junk food cravings at bay that are so tempting. In fact, it prolongs the feeling of fullness, and helps to facilitate digestion, in order to keep the belly light and deflated.

6. Avoid excess food and alcohol

It’s very difficult not to indulge in excess when the accommodation has a large buffet and open bar. But if what you want is to take care of yourself, you will have to test your willpower to eat and drink only what is strictly necessary.

Also, we recommend that you make light food combinations, which can satiate you longer. When at the bar, opt for drinks such as red wine, beer and vodka. Try to avoid cocktails full of sugar and calories.

In short


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