6 Tips For Getting In Shape

Although determination is fundamental when deciding to get in shape, if we are not used to exercise, we will have to adapt the activity to our possibilities.
6 tips to get in shape

Many people are looking for tips to get in shape and improve many aspects of their health and body.

While it is not a simple task, or carried out overnight, it can be achieved with a total lifestyle change.

The problem is that  many do not have the patience to see the results  and, although they have the initiative, they end up giving up in the face of difficulties that arise.

What is certain is that, to achieve our goal, it  is essential to be disciplined in all aspects  and, above all, to be constant with each effort that is necessary.

Considering that many are now in pursuit of this goal, today we want to share 6 tips to get in shape, gain physical strength and get the best, healthiest body.

Put them into practice!

Tips for getting in shape


1. Know yourself

Before adopting a fitness plan, it is essential to ask a professional  to help you assess your physical condition and possible limitations on certain exercises.

Ignoring this step can lead to injuries or illnesses that will undoubtedly prevent the desired plan from being achieved.

  • An evaluation will allow to know the state of the joints and the risk of injury.
  • It is also helpful to know your body weight, blood pressure and heart rate.
  • These aspects, taken together, will be fundamental to  design a plan that is adequate for each one’s needs.

2. Stay active

To improve overall fitness and, of course, body weight, you need to  put the sedentary lifestyle aside and stay active as much as possible.

The adoption of a physical training plan contributes, in a short time, to achieving significant results.

  • It is essential to combine cardiovascular exercise with endurance and strength activities.
  • As much as possible,  the ideal is to have the support of a professional trainer, not only to perform the exercises correctly, but to have someone who is constantly motivating us to reach the goal.

3. Improve your nutrition

woman eating salad

For the exercise plan to work, it’s essential to combine it with a healthy, balanced diet and all of the body’s nutritional requirements.

Each person has certain needs based on weight, age and physical condition. However, the general rules are:

  • Limit your consumption of processed, sugary or high sodium foods.
  • Avoid excess saturated fats or fried foods.
  • Increase your consumption of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Ensure optimal absorption of high biological value proteins (lean meat, fish or pulses, among others).
  • Avoid alcoholic and soft drinks.
  • Eat five small portions of food instead of three large portions.

4. Have a good breakfast

Following the above advice, it is essential to mention separately the importance of consuming a good breakfast each morning.

This first meal of the day  works as a source of “fuel” for the body’s cells  and is therefore necessary to activate the metabolism and have a good physical and mental performance.

Skipping breakfast creates a feeling of fatigue during sports activities  and often triggers episodes of anxiety about eating in the following hours.

  • A good breakfast  should contain 25% of the total recommended daily calories.
  • It should include sources of dietary fiber, antioxidants and proteins.

5. Hydrate yourself

Flavored water

Daily water consumption is one of the most important habits for maintaining health. However,  when you play sports, it is even more essential to ensure adequate fluid intake.

During exercise, the body becomes dehydrated and loses, through sweat, mineral salts and substances that are necessary for some of its functions.

Therefore, in order not to suffer from dehydration,  we must consume fluids with electrolytes and glucose.

  • The ideal is to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.
  • The consumption of sports drinks and fruits is recommended.
  • It is also valid to drink natural fruit juices, teas and lemonades.

6. Be constant

Being constant is one of the most important aspects of  staying in shape without failing in your attempt. From the beginning, it is essential to know that, in order to reach the objective, the efforts must be permanent.

Results may vary from person to person depending on metabolism, physical condition and habits.

Therefore, you cannot expect to get results overnight, or in a short time, even when others have.

  • Each body works in different ways  and, in general, the body requires an adjustment period to make exercise a routine.
  • You can’t start with a training plan  with a high level of intensity:  the process is done gradually.

Are you thinking about losing weight? Still not decided? End the sedentary lifestyle!

Follow all these tips to get in shape and start enjoying the benefits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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