6 Rice Facial Scrubs

6 rice facial scrubs

Rice is one of the most consumed foods worldwide. In addition, it is the second most cultivated cereal and can have very varied culinary uses, as it is a very versatile food. On the other hand, in the field of aesthetics, it has proved to be useful for skin health care. For this reason, scrubs made from rice have even been developed.

The use of rice water for the preparation of antiaging cosmetic formulas has been studied a lot in the last decades, since in countries like Japan it is very present as a natural remedy for beauty.

According to some experts, much remains to be seen about the effectiveness of rice water for skin care. However, they don’t rule out that there might be any. Meanwhile, there are those who consider that rice can be used – in various ways – in the beauty routine, such as, for example, in scrubs.

Rice is said to help regulate the skin’s oiliness without removing its protective layer or drying it out. It is also said that it nourishes the skin and helps to regenerate it, thus giving it a smooth, luminous and fresh look.

Next, we’ll see how to make rice scrubs, combining this cereal with other natural products.

1. Rice and coconut oil scrub

rice facial scrubs


  • ½ cup unwashed white rice (50 g).
  • 3 dessert spoons of organic coconut oil (15g).

Method of preparation

  • Crush the rice to a powder.
  • Mix it with coconut oil.
  • Once a homogeneous mixture is obtained, apply it all over the face, using a circular motion.
  • Let the cream work for a few minutes, then rinse to remove everything.

2. Rice and honey scrub

It is said that this exfoliant is considered ideal for people with sensitive skin. Both rice and bran help soothe the skin and clean it without harming it.


  • 2 cups of water (500 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon of cow’s milk (10 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon of pure honey (10 g).
  • 6 tablespoons of brown rice (120 g).
  • ½ cup of powdered brown rice – the rice must contain the bran – (50g).

Method of preparation

  • Cook the 6 tablespoons of brown rice with plenty of water.
  • Grind the 50 g of rice together with the cooked rice, until smooth and creamy.
  • The water will be used to reduce the amount of lumps as far as possible.
  • Add spoon of pure honey and mix.
  • Then, with all the ingredients correctly mixed, add a tablespoon of milk and beat.
  • Once everything is well mixed and you have a cream, let it sit until it cools.
  • Apply to face skin with circular but firm movements. Rinse with warm water.

3. Rice and oat scrub

rice facial scrubs

This is another one of the rice scrubs that provides smoothness to the skin. In addition, it is perfect for pleasing the skin, as it helps to alleviate the redness and inflammation it may present.


  • 1 cup of rice (200 g).
  • ½ cup of oats (130 g).
  • 4 cups of drinking water (1 liter).
  • 5 drops of your preferred essential oil.

Method of preparation

  • If the rice is not organic, it would be best to wash it.
  • Leave the rice and oats and soak for at least 6 hours.
  • Strain and squeeze well to remove all water.
  • Add the drops of essential oil, blend by hand and you’re done!
  • Store in a glass container and keep refrigerated.

4. Rice Flour Scrub

The known benefits of this cereal do not just come from the grains. In ground presentation (flour), its properties are maintained. Learn how to make an exfoliant at home.


  • 2 tablespoons of rice flour (30 g).
  • 4 tablespoons of water (60 ml).

Method of preparation

  • Mix rice flour with water until it forms a compact paste. To do this, mix the two ingredients with the help of a spoon.
  • Apply the mask obtained on the clean face and let it act for about 10 minutes.
  • After that time, rinse off with plenty of warm water and start showing wonderful skin.

5. Sugar and rice scrub

rice facial scrubs

Popularly, sugar is generally said to be a good exfoliant for the skin. However, it is true that it can scratch it when applied with sudden movements, as the grains are very coarse; therefore, it should be used in minimal quantities or replaced by oatmeal.


  • 3 small cups of water (300 ml).
  • 6 tablespoons of white rice (120 g).
  • Refined white sugar (1 g).

Method of preparation

  • In a container, place the cups of water and sugar.
  • Cook the 6 tablespoons of rice over low heat. Once you’re done, turn off the heat and let it cool.
  • Mix the ingredients very well, using a mixer. Let it sit for about 1 hour.
  • Apply to face, making a circular motion, then rinse.

6. Milk and rice as exfoliants

It is said that this mixture is considered perfect for providing hydration and removing excess oil and dead skin cells. Both milk and rice will help nourish your skin, smooth it and make it more beautiful.


  • A glass of milk (250 ml).
  • ½ tablespoon of rice (10 g).

Method of preparation

  • Place all ingredients in a container and mix without cooking for 10 minutes.
  • Then, with your hands, apply the mask to the face, making firm circular massages.
  • Rinse with plenty of water and repeat if necessary.

If you have questions about exfoliation or skin care in general, the best thing to do is to consult your dermatologist. The professional will give you the most relevant guidelines, according to your skin type.

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